File management option during playback

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File management option during playback

Postby Eaglion » 06 Dec 2023 15:20

I have a lot of videos i need to sort. Opening each video one by one closing and moving them to appropriate folders manually takes a lot of time. When i add a folder full of videos to the playlist and start reviewing/playin them one by one, I want to be able to move to/copy to/ delete options available in the right click menu. Is there a plugin or setting that allows that.


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Re: File management option during playback

Postby brand404 » 22 Mar 2024 04:06

Here is a a script I wrote using AutoHotkey (v2+) -- obviously only for Windows users -- that not only works when VLC is in true full-screen mode, but this script also allows using multiple customizable hotkeys to do the following:

  1. Delete the video to recycle bin (default shortcut key: DEL)
  2. Delete the video permanently from disk (default shortcut key: SHIFT+DEL)
  3. Move the video file to an arbitrary location e.g. C:\\ (default shortcut key: CTRL+Z)
I added a lot of code comments for your convenience. And, the default shortcut keys can be changed easily to whatever you want, as seen in the code below. I didn't add a "copy" option because i wasn't sure if you really needed that too.

Code: Select all

; Delete/Move a playing VLC video (via hotkeys) then jumps to the next video in the playlist. ; ------------------------------------------ ; DEL = Delete video to the recycle bin ; SHIFT+DEL = Permanently delete video of disk ; CTRL+Z = Move video to arbitrary location ; ------------------------------------------ MOVE_ACTION_DIR := "C:\" MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_TITLE := "Current Media Information" WAIT_FOR_MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_SECS := 0.25 WAIT_FOR_MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_RETRIES := 10 CLIPBOARD_WAIT_SECS := 1 WAIT_FOR_NEXT_VID_SECS := 0.10 WAIT_FOR_NEXT_VID_RETRIES := 10 GIVE_BACK_MOUSE_CONTROL_AFTER_SECS := 5 #Requires AutoHotkey >=2.0 #SingleInstance Force #HotIf WinActive("ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon") ; only trigger the use of hotkeys if a VLC window is active ~Shift & Delete:: { ; SHIFT+DEL = Permanently delete video off disk KeyWait "Delete", "Up" KeyWait "Shift", "Up" DoPermDelete() Return } ~Delete:: { ; DEL = Delete video to the recycle bin KeyWait "Delete", "Up" DoRecycleDelete() Return } ~Ctrl & z:: { ; CTRL+Z = Move video to arbitrary location KeyWait "Ctrl", "Up" KeyWait "z", "Up" DoMove(MOVE_ACTION_DIR) Return } DoAction(action) { BlockInput "MouseMove" ; block user from using the mouse SetTimer AllowMouse, GIVE_BACK_MOUSE_CONTROL_AFTER_SECS * 1000 ; restore the mouse for the user at some point if something goes wrong vlcTitle := WinGetTitle("A") ; vlc should be the active window because it's the only way this line got called isFullScreen := false ; open the media information dialog Send "^i" ; CTRL+I is harcoded in vlc to open the media info dialog if !WinWait(MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_TITLE, , WAIT_FOR_MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_SECS) { ; cant find information window - vlc in fullscreen? ; attempt to leave fullscreen and retry opening information dialog Send "{ESC}" ; leave fullscreen Sleep 10 Send "^i" isFullScreen := true ; user was indeed in fullscreen - remember so we can restore it later retry := 1 while !WinWait(MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_TITLE, , WAIT_FOR_MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_SECS) { retry++ if retry == WAIT_FOR_MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_RETRIES { ; something went wrong. Msgbox "Can't find Media Information dialog. Aborting!" Return } Send "^i" } } ; save the full path (as seen in the information dialog) of the video that is playing to the clipboard MouseGetPos &orgMouseX, &orgMouseY orgClipboardContent := ClipboardAll() WinActivate MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_TITLE WinWaitActive MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_TITLE WinGetPos , , &width, &height, MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_TITLE fileLocationX := width/2 fileLocationY := height-52 CoordMode "Mouse", "Window" MouseMove fileLocationX, fileLocationY, 1 Click 3 ; selects the entire path Send "^c" ; copies the path to the clipboard CoordMode "Mouse", "Screen" MouseMove orgMouseX, orgMouseY, 1 if !ClipWait(CLIPBOARD_WAIT_SECS) { WinClose MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_TITLE WinWaitClose MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_TITLE MsgBox "Can't delete/move file! Problem finding file location nside Media Information dialog." Return } WinClose MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_TITLE WinWaitClose MEDIA_INFO_DIALOG_TITLE ; if the user was originally in fullscreen this restore it now if isFullScreen { ; restore fullscreen if it was orginally set WinGetPos , , &width, &height, vlcTitle videoX := width/2 videoY := height/2 CoordMode "Mouse", "Window" MouseMove videoX, videoY, 1 Click 2 CoordMode "Mouse", "Screen" MouseMove orgMouseX, orgMouseY, 1 } ; move to the next video -- so it can delete/move this video (because vlc locks the running video) Send "{PgDn Down}" retry := 1 while WinGetTitle("A") == vlcTitle { ; wait for the next video to start playing Sleep WAIT_FOR_NEXT_VID_SECS * 1000 ; give it some more time to move to next video retry++ if retry == WAIT_FOR_NEXT_VID_RETRIES { ; something went wrong. no more videos? (we cant delete/move if its only 1 video) MsgBox "Didn't detect next video change. Only 1 video left?`nCan't delete/move this video." Return } } vlcTitle := WinGetTitle("A") ; perform action (delete/move the video now) BlockInput "MouseMoveOff" ; allow the user to have control over the mouse now (in case the delete/move takes too long) try if action == "del_perm" FileDelete A_Clipboard else if action == "del_recycle" { ;WinActivate "ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd" ;WinWaitActive "ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd" FileRecycle A_Clipboard } else FileMove A_Clipboard, action catch as err MsgBox "Problem deleting/moving file:`n`n" A_Clipboard "`n`n(" err.What " - " err.Message ")" A_Clipboard := orgClipboardContent try WinActivate vlcTitle catch WinActivate "ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon" ; strange, we can't find the player! ok just activate any vlc window blindly } DoPermDelete() { DoAction("del_perm") } DoRecycleDelete() { DoAction("del_recycle") } DoMove(path) { DoAction(path) } AllowMouse() { BlockInput "MouseMoveOff" }

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