upnp discovery

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upnp discovery

Postby FriFraCologne » 11 Sep 2020 20:56

How do i find upnp servers in the windows version (3.0.11)?
No idea where it is hidden, but i cannot find it and any documentation i found on the web dos not apply to the current version of vlc.

Also searching this forum did not help. I only found a couple of issues, which confirmed, that there must be some support for that

The android version is the only version where upnp works.

iOS: I can find the servers, but does not open (app does tryes loading forever)
Windows: Cannot find upnp servers at all.
MacOS: can also not see any upnp server

Why is that topic so inconsistent? Isnt it a common protocol which should be implemented the same way for all platforms?

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Re: upnp discovery

Postby Hitchhiker » 11 Sep 2020 21:32

There are just too many security vulnerabilities in UPnP these days for it to remain a standard. Here's another one discovered quite recently.

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Re: upnp discovery

Postby benoitm » 01 Aug 2022 14:44

I'm scratching my head on this since a few hours now:
2 Windows 10 laptops and a Synology NAS (DSM 6.2.4, hosting music folders) on a LAN.
Laptop#1: VLC 3.0.12 and the NAS shows up nicely under Local Network / Universal Plug'n'Play
Laptop#2: Since a few months, nothing shows up there (VLC-type hourglass for a few seconds). I first noticed with VLC 3.0.16, and today I tried 3.0.17 and 3.0.12....same result. The Synology (and all its folders) shows up under mDNS network Discovery, but this is a rather clumsy workaround as I have to traverse a few folders before finding my music lib.
My guess is that there must be something wrong with Windows Defender's Firewall on that particular machine, but what ????
Hints please !!

Now if for security reasons UPnP is a discontinued / discouraged thing, what's a simple alternative with my DSM NAS ?

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