How do you capture (record) audio from a website? I mean when a website plays sound. I want to record that directly. At least one site says VLC can't do this and never will be able to while other sites say it can. Not sure how it can be so unclear whether it's even possible. Many sites have identical instructions and I followed them and they don't work. No matter what I do I get a file which is a video recording using my cam and the sound is from my mic. Here is what the sites say to do and which I've been doing:
1) View > check Advanced Controls
2) Media > Open Capture Device > Capture mode > Direct show
3) " " Audio Device Name > select your device or "Stereo Mix". The only choices I have are Default, Microphone (both of these record the cam and mic), and None (makes no recording at all - no file is saved)
4) Play button
5) Record button to start recording
6) Record button to stop recording
Here's where one site says VLC never has and never will be able to capture desktop audio: "VLC-not-recording-audio is not a recent problem but a long-existing issue that has been there with VLC since a decade ago. It seems that the VLC desktop recorder is made without the audio recording feature in the first place. Many people have reported the bug to the VLC team. But, for certain reasons, the team decided not to fix the problem. And the current bug status is WONTFIX (meaning the bug will never be fixed)."