Save mp4 files in 5 Minute chunks

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Save mp4 files in 5 Minute chunks

Postby tecpoint1 » 16 Nov 2021 17:49

I play audio or video streams via VLC, I want to record audio or video to MP4 files for 5 minutes each file
How can this be done using a script and without using a scheduler?


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Re: Save mp4 files in 5 Minute chunks

Postby Hitchhiker » 17 Nov 2021 13:16

I don't know how that can be achieved with a script, but here's the normal method: ... ia-player/

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Re: Save mp4 files in 5 Minute chunks

Postby tecpoint1 » 18 Nov 2021 19:49

Hello Hitchhiker and everyone
I feel I have not properly explained my intention
Using a script I continuously record a video source into a file named yes_ch9.mp4
This is the script
"C: \ Program Files \ VideoLAN \ VLC \ vlc.exe" -vvv "udp: //@ 1234" --sout = # standard {access = file, mux = ts, dst = c: \ t \ yes_ch9.mp4}
This script creates a file whose volume increases as time goes on
I want the script to create a new file every 5 minutes instead of a continuous file that grows over time
Can anyone help?

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