With VLC 3.0.16, despite multiple tests, I failed to open network media from a given starting point.
Do you have an operational solution to communicate to me?
All the details of my tests and my configuration below.
Best regards
Bruno Riccoboni
I- Going through playlist.m3u file, I tried the following options:
1) #EXTVLCOPT: start-time = xx
#EXTVLCOPT: start-time = 30
#EXTINF: -1, New Orleans Piano | How to play "The Lick"
However, this syntrhaexe works very well for a file type stream.
2) #EXTVLCOPT: start-time = xx
#EXTINF: -1, New Orleans Piano | How to play "The Lick"
With or without "# EXT-X-VERSION: 6" at the start of the file
With or without "", PRECISE = Yes | NO "" after the time-offset
3) by directly adding the starting point in the url (test done with # t = 30 and t = 20)
#EXTINF: -1, New Orleans Piano | How to play "The Lick"
#EXTINF: -1, New Orleans Piano | How to play "The Lick"
II- I have also tried using the command line options with limited scope to the previous file (: option).
vlc.exe https://youtu.be/EazScG6wn84: start-time = 30 --one-instance --playlist-enqueue
Again it works well for file streams but not for network streams.
III- My configuration:
Windows 10
VCL 3.0.16 Vertinari
Do you have a solution for me?