Can't acccess NAS in UPnP

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Can't acccess NAS in UPnP

Postby incutonez » 13 Aug 2021 02:28

I'm trying to access my NAS (MyCloudEx2Ultra) in Local Network > Universal Plug'n'Play. It shows in this list, but whenever I try to click it, it attempts to like play the NAS as if it was a song. I'm not quite sure what I'm missing, but it seems like maybe the NAS doesn't have a setting properly set for VLC to access it? At first I thought it was a Mac issue, but when I tried it on my Win10 machine, I got the same issue. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm running the latest version of VLC (3.0.16).

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 11 Aug 2021 19:09

Re: Can't acccess NAS in UPnP

Postby incutonez » 13 Aug 2021 03:57

On a whim, I rebooted the NAS because it sounded like it was churning on some process for hours... it appears my issue was fixed. I forgot the golden rule of IT.

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