I have the same problem since today. No single video does work anymore.
As example, one video that did work before (with exactly this link out from a playlist):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAoEttt ... &index=365
And without the playlist association, but even that doesn't work:
Or as another two examples:
If you need more examples, then just tell me.
Code: Select all
http debug: location: "https://consent.youtube.com/ml?continue=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DcAoEtttA1vU&gl=NL&hl=en&pc=yt&uxe=23983172&src=1"
I see what the problem is. Before connecting to the youtube site in a browser it opens a consent page which you have respond to. This same consent data is replicated in vlc which blocks the connection to the video.
I'll file it as a bug after which we'll have to wait and see how the devs respond.Code: Select all
http debug: location: "https://consent.youtube.com/ml?continue=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DcAoEtttA1vU&gl=NL&hl=en&pc=yt&uxe=23983172&src=1"
Code: Select all
Yes, thank you for this workaround! But additionaly I have to open new instance of VLC and it works then. Hope to youtube/vlc fix soon.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
I tested it a couple of times on other videos and the following seems to work in most cases.
So here's a video on youtube which will play in a browser, but not on vlc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKSdDdINJek
To get around that problem click Tools ---> Messages and at the bottom change Verbosity to 2 (default is 0). Leave it on screen and hit Ctrl + N to open the Network menu and paste the URL to the video and hit Enter. Click Tools ---> Messages again (or just hit Ctrl + M) and then scroll upwards a bit until you see main debug with the URL shown in the Code field.
Copy the whole link and paste it into the Network menu and click Play (or just hit Enter).Code: Select all
Here's a pix of the same vlc log I created with the URL to be copied highlighted.
(click to enlarge)
I found an easier workaroundTools -> Preferences -> Show settings: All -> Input/Codecs -> Access modules -> HTTPS -> uncheck Cookies forwarding
relates this 'code' solution above in any way to something like geo blocking?
Code: Select all
lua error: Couldn't extract youtube video URL, please check for updates to this script
Code: Select all
so, it worked by all urls, i tried now, but not with my single one mentioned above*, strange!
everything done exactly like described, and then tried (the procedere) once & once again, but this single one does not want to work!
nevertheless, i think i can live with that, thank you very much.
(*: eventually that has to do with some unemptied cache?)
unfortunatley this doesnt work!Save recently played items
lua warning: error running script C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\playlist\149909-playlist_youtube.lua
unfortunatley this doesnt work!Save recently played items
ANd desperately some more urls discovered, where it does not work:
https://youtu.be/gpZslOr3ZRo?list=PLjPI ... 0kvN2AAn8n
i'm very sorry, but obviously did not really check, what runs wrong:
--- cannot attach some txt.files ---
i'm not really sure, but i discovered this:
main error: no suitable access module for `http://www.youtube.com/list_ajax?action ... 8n&index=1'
lua warning: error running script C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\playlist\149909-playlist_youtube.lua: function parse(): ...ideoLAN\VLC\lua\playlist\149909-playlist_youtube.lua:65: attempt to index local 's' (a nil value)
directory warning: unable to read directory
may be this gives a hint for not working proper?? this 149909-item seems as it has to do with that problem??
i tried it once again with my 5,5 dioptric glasses, but did not find this item!!!
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