A full user manuel is currently one of the priority of VideoLAN after 4.0 is released but it needs a lot of works and people actually knowing how everything works and wanting to write a manual, so it's not that simple.I strongly support the previous questioners! There is only one snarky reply that doesn't address the question. I'm sure the VLC users are better than that. Indeed, the fine program needs a comprehensible manual (which could be for sale to raise revenue) or even a book. What is the obstacle?
Thank you. I've never used playlists before. I have my classical collection laid out in folders ranked by composer/genre/composition. I'm playing my music on a Denon receiver with a separate HDD plugged into the USB slot, and then running music using their internal app, Heos, by selecting folders. Unfortunately, Heos doesn't seem to have a rational sorting algorithm and I'm sometimes unable to manage the order of tracks. Eventually I'll set up my Pi as a music server, which (I'm hoping) will fix that particular problem (i.e., eliminate Heos from my required lexicon). Until then, I'm hoping setting up playlists can be an interim fix.VLC Media Player ver 3.0.6 Vetinari / Windows 10 OpSys
To create a playlist:
From VLC menu bar select: View
Select: Playlist
Open File Explorer and locate your music. Drag, drop, and arrange to your preference in the Playlist panel.
Return to VLC menu bar and select: Media
Select: Save Playlist to File
Take Note: Previous command does not have a default folder. Choose a folder logically convenient for yourself.
Name your playlist and save.
To open your playlist:
From VLC menu bar select: Media
Select: Open File
Locate, select your previously saved playlist and click: Open
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