Stretch video to span dual monitors?

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Stretch video to span dual monitors?

Postby marcusdrage » 16 Feb 2007 22:17

Ive searched everwhere, on google dfor endless hours and on here for my answer. I have been fonded to try and be able to span my video to two monitors. For hours I would try to make it work using the Wall Video filter but no luck. Each time that I would change the number of rows or columns and apply the filter then try to play the movie twith the filter it doesnt even show the screen of the movie! I have tried for endless hours to be able to make this work. I would love if someone could please give me step by step instructions to be able to make this work, as I am pretty new to VLC and would love to make this work. As I have a widescreen movie that I would love to watch over the span of two monitors.

Remember, im pretty much an idiot to this. If possible, can you please give me step by step of every step on how to please span my movie of my two monitors.

Many thanks, Marcus.

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Postby CloudStalker » 17 Feb 2007 16:52

Alright, I’ll see if I can help. First, some video cards don’t support overlays for duel monitors; Disable this by going to: Preferences > Video > and turn off “Overlay video output”. Next, go back to “Preferences” and then go to: Video > Filters and check the box that says “Clone video filter”.

Now restart you’re video and drag whichever video window you want a little more the half way across until you see a moving video on you’re second monitor, then double-click for fullsrceen, now you should be able to watch the same video on both displays.

I gave a hotkey suggestion that would make this allot easier in the future, and hopefully it will be implemented. Hope this was helpful.

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Postby marcusdrage » 17 Feb 2007 18:20

I don't want to clone it, I want to be able to watch the one movie and it having to be stretched across covering both screens.

Here is an example of what I really want.

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Postby DJ » 17 Feb 2007 18:58

Try the Wall video filter.

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Postby marcusdrage » 18 Feb 2007 02:10

If you read my post, that is what I was trying to do. But that completely didn't work and I had some troubles. Like I said my post before, I really need just a step by step instructions on how to do it. Because whenever I try, I cant.

Please, don't jsut reply "try the wall video filter", when if you have already read the whole of my post. You would of noticed I already said I tried for hours.

If you look at the wall filters settings and adjust it for the number of monitors (columns and rows) (in your case probably columns 0 and rows 2) and be sure the filter is turned on in Filters and the Overlay setting is optionally off in Video then press Save and close the player. There is not much else to say here. Others have had good success spanning monitors.

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Postby CloudStalker » 18 Feb 2007 03:02

I don’t know what else to tell you. I tried the “Wall video filter” and it works for me. I know that you said that you’ve tried everything already, but maybe if I told you exactly what I did to get it to work then it might help.

Go back to “Wall video filter”, set the number of columns to 2 and the number of rows to 0, click on the “Video” tab and disable the “Overlay video output”, save and then start up a video.

While the video is playing, drag the second window more then half across to you’re second monitor until you see a moving video and then double-click for fullscreen, double-click the first video window for fullscreen as well and crop the video to 4:3.

Like I’ve said, I’ve tried it and it works. Anyway, I hope this helps in some way.

And yes, I did read you’re post all the way through.

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Postby marcusdrage » 18 Feb 2007 03:34

Thanks so much for helping me! It finnally worked! Thank's so much. I found out what my problem actually was. i set the active windows to 2, when I should of left it to nothing. Thanks so much!

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Postby CloudStalker » 18 Feb 2007 03:51

Sure, you welcome. :D

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Re: Stretch video to span dual monitors?

Postby romanboy » 04 Sep 2009 00:22

First time here on the forums, so I'm a bit anxious.
I also want to achieve the same effect as marcusdrage.
I've followed the instructions, and I can get it to work OK.
I'm using version 1.0.1 on a Mac. I know this is the Windows forum, and I apologise if I am not meant to be posting here.
I just didn't want to start another thread on the Mac side.

Anyway, I have a video file which is 704 x 384 in size.
When I play it using Video Wall, I get it in 4:3 format, which means I have black bars in the middle of the video.
I know this is a small video size for spanning it on 2 screens.
My question is: How do I fix the problems with the bars in the middle? I would like to have the same result as in the YouTube video with the Harry Potter movie.

Once again, I am sorry if I am posting in the wrong forum, and many thanks in advance for your help.

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Re: Stretch video to span dual monitors?

Postby ddalton » 23 Mar 2020 02:20

How can I make this startup on a system and be full screen across more than one monitor on a kiosk with no intervention

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