GUI inconsistency - Settings, Video, DirectDraw output mode

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GUI inconsistency - Settings, Video, DirectDraw output mode

Postby Arioch » 29 Oct 2019 22:24

See the left window at (right one is from VLC 2 fork)

When you open VLC settings in the Video section you can select DirectDraw for output.
When you do, one more DirectDraw-specific frame is shown, having two DirectDraw specific hardware acceleration options: using overlay (top one) and colours transformation (bottom one).

Are those checkboxes related? Does the second one have any meaning if the top one is cleared? GUI is inconsistent here.

1) without closing Settings window click on and off the top checkbox, DirectDraw -> Use of hardware overlay mode.
You'll notice that when this checkbox is cleared it makes the YUV->RGB checkbox disabled, as if colourspace transformation can not be accelerated if Overlay mode is disabled.

2) Clear the top checkbox, close the Settings window with OK/Save button. Then open the Settings window again and go into Video section.
You will find now that Overlay checkbox is correctly cleared.
BUT at the same time the colours checkbox is NOT disabled and you can toggle it however you like.

One of those behaviours is probably correct, but then it means that another one is GUI bug.

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