VLC no longer casting to TV; crashes after every video

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New Cone
New Cone
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VLC no longer casting to TV; crashes after every video

Postby dontbesojumpy » 26 Oct 2019 21:32

Since the 3.0.8 update, I have had a lot of bugs with VLC.

Most notably, if you have multiple videos in a play list, it crashes if you try to skip to the next video (as well as if the first video finishes and the second tries to start. CRASH).

Also, the "renderer" casting function no longer works. It does cast to my TV but the video won't play and the screen remains black. It does show the title of the video (filename) on my TV so there seems to be some connectivity, just that VLC won't play. On some titles (movies), VLC just crashes when you switch from the local render option to the TV.

I have tried to contact VLC but they didn't respond after the initial email.

I tried installing an older version of VLC but the problems persist.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 26 Oct 2019 21:05

Re: VLC no longer casting to TV; crashes after every video

Postby dontbesojumpy » 26 Oct 2019 22:32

NM delete my post.

I resolved the issue by fixing the firewall settings. I resolved the crashing by downgrading to an older version.

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