2nd monitor

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2nd monitor

Postby Simlock » 18 Jun 2019 19:49

Hello everyone,

After giving a lot of presentations using VLC on Mac, I tried to create the same setup using a windows machine at home, to try something out.
Wow.... I found out VLC Mac and VLC for Windows are vastly different... in some options.

But The main problem I encountered was that if I set the full screen device to the second screen in the videosettings, and play a file in full-screen mode, it still goes fullscreen on monitor#1. I'm using an LG monitor.

I'm guessing this isnt supposed to happen but I'm used to working on a Mac. So, if anyone can enlighten me?

Also.. Is it even possible on a Windows machine to have a controlpanel open in the main windowand play video in the second screen?

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