Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby rsr01 » 17 Nov 2018 21:52

The complete syntax for the multicast network stream to open is udp://@224.0.0.XXX:5000

Please let me know if it helps.

Worked well for me on Windows 10 Pro 1803 and VLC 3.0.4


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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby Bianca » 29 Dec 2018 21:13

Since it's not trivial for others to make my script above work (in absense of the needed program), please try the following instead. It will basically do the same as the script:

If VLC is stuck on scanning for renderer, then use VLC to open a random multicast network stream in the range of address 224.0.0.X, where X is between 100 and 199. You should notice there is nothing played (since there is no such stream available). Wait for a while and then check for available renderers again. Now they should show up (might take a couple of seconds but not more than a minute).

Note that once you have used a number X, you cannot use it again. A way to generate new numbers might be to set X to 100 + current date. If you get stuck more than once a day, then add 30 to the date or just use 100 + current minute as a random number. And when all numbers are exhausted, well then you have to powercycle the laptop unless that has already been done in a month.

The complete syntax for the multicast network stream to open is udp://@224.0.0.X:5000

Please let me know if it helps.
Thanks so much!!!!

This worked! :D You're the best! :D

It not only fixed the VLC streaming, but when I do that routine it solves all the streaming problems I've been having with my new 2 in 1 Windows Tablet. Which is awesome :!: :P

But do any of you guys know of a way to make this permanent? It's gets kind of annoying to have to do this periodically.

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby cyco69 » 18 Jan 2019 23:51

Since it's not trivial for others to make my script above work (in absense of the needed program), please try the following instead. It will basically do the same as the script:

If VLC is stuck on scanning for renderer, then use VLC to open a random multicast network stream in the range of address 224.0.0.X, where X is between 100 and 199. You should notice there is nothing played (since there is no such stream available). Wait for a while and then check for available renderers again. Now they should show up (might take a couple of seconds but not more than a minute).

Note that once you have used a number X, you cannot use it again. A way to generate new numbers might be to set X to 100 + current date. If you get stuck more than once a day, then add 30 to the date or just use 100 + current minute as a random number. And when all numbers are exhausted, well then you have to powercycle the laptop unless that has already been done in a month.

The complete syntax for the multicast network stream to open is udp://@224.0.0.X:5000

Please let me know if it helps.
Yup that helped. Many thanks. :D

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby hal1000 » 23 Jan 2019 08:40

OK this is my first post on this forum and I need a little help with this topics specific problem. So I also have the greyed out scanning button issue, I have 2 devices in my house on the same network that I can cast too via my Windows 10 PC (an LG TV and Panasonic blueray player), casting via the Win 10 built in facility is fine, but VLC v3.0.6 - 64 bit, is still greyed out on the scanning button. So I tried the "udp://@224.0.0.X:5000" solution and still got nothing but a greyed out button.

So I am now beginning to think it's me - i.e., I'm not placing the "udp://@224.0.0.X:5000" (yes I know I have to change the X to between 100 and 199) in the right place.
What I do is open VLC click on "Media" then on "Open Network Stream" then in the box under "Please enter a network URL" I enter "udp://@224.0.0.X:5000" and then press play. I get VLC doing it's one eyed Cylon act at this point - but I still don't win anything so to speak (Render - scanning is still greyed out)

So if anyone can provide a step by step then that would be appreciated :)
Thank you in advance.

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby harry26 » 24 Jan 2019 11:43


If the problem is big & nobody gives you the right suggestion then you have to upgrade the VLC version. Sometimes it happens because of the older version our system wants the latest version. Always use in chrome Mozilla, Explorer isn't supported in few cases.

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby Sherif_k » 25 Jan 2019 15:19

Worked fine on VLC 3.0.6. thanks a million :D
Since it's not trivial for others to make my script above work (in absense of the needed program), please try the following instead. It will basically do the same as the script:

If VLC is stuck on scanning for renderer, then use VLC to open a random multicast network stream in the range of address 224.0.0.X, where X is between 100 and 199. You should notice there is nothing played (since there is no such stream available). Wait for a while and then check for available renderers again. Now they should show up (might take a couple of seconds but not more than a minute).

Note that once you have used a number X, you cannot use it again. A way to generate new numbers might be to set X to 100 + current date. If you get stuck more than once a day, then add 30 to the date or just use 100 + current minute as a random number. And when all numbers are exhausted, well then you have to powercycle the laptop unless that has already been done in a month.

The complete syntax for the multicast network stream to open is udp://@224.0.0.X:5000

Please let me know if it helps.

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby DeanONH » 25 Jan 2019 18:31

I have the same issue.

I would really like to hear from the devs on this issue & when it will be fixed.

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby RedmondCycler » 23 Feb 2019 07:53

Thanks pen.

FYI, here's a link to code you can use to build your own mcreceive.exe: http://www.nmsl.cs.ucsb.edu/MulticastSocketsBook

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby imvsk » 10 Mar 2019 00:58

The fix is very simple. please change you network profile to private network.

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby defeedme » 25 Mar 2019 19:21

this works! is VLC listening to this forum? I mean how hard would it be to implement this into the code so we don't have to do it manually all the time!
Since it's not trivial for others to make my script above work (in absense of the needed program), please try the following instead. It will basically do the same as the script:

If VLC is stuck on scanning for renderer, then use VLC to open a random multicast network stream in the range of address 224.0.0.X, where X is between 100 and 199. You should notice there is nothing played (since there is no such stream available). Wait for a while and then check for available renderers again. Now they should show up (might take a couple of seconds but not more than a minute).

Note that once you have used a number X, you cannot use it again. A way to generate new numbers might be to set X to 100 + current date. If you get stuck more than once a day, then add 30 to the date or just use 100 + current minute as a random number. And when all numbers are exhausted, well then you have to powercycle the laptop unless that has already been done in a month.

The complete syntax for the multicast network stream to open is udp://@224.0.0.X:5000

Please let me know if it helps.

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 25 Mar 2019 22:35

This is normal, if the wifi is in public mode.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby unidan » 26 Mar 2019 09:41

this works! is VLC listening to this forum? I mean how hard would it be to implement this into the code so we don't have to do it manually all the time!
You probably don't want a software like VLC with tons of parsers (which is THE piece of software with a high risk of security issues) to have administrator right on your machine. Network configuration is a setting defined by the user and should stay like this, otherwise it doesn't even have meaning. But we'll try to put it clear in the ongoing documentation.

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby pen » 28 Mar 2019 14:03

Which proposal were you answering?

The one cited in the question was the procedure to - as a dummy - join an arbitrary multi cast network stream and leave it. This does not require any administrator rights at all. But still its quite an uggly work around.

The better solution is proposed earlier in the thread:
While this is a workaround, it's not a good solution. Trying to get Microsoft and/or the network chip vendor to solve the problem is useless. The better solution is that the application, once it has discovered the unicast address to a Chromecast device, NEVER EVER forget it again until it has been proven to be unreachable. I guess that this is how working applications (like Chrome) are implemented - first try to connect to already learned devices by unicast, second try to find new devices by mDNS.

By the way, configuring "private network" doesn´t help, so that´s not the solution for a lot of us having the "wrong" WiFi chip set. Might help others though.

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby stides40 » 05 Apr 2019 02:36

What a crazy solution, but it works. Glad I found this, the issue was driving me crazy. Hope a legitimate fix can be implemented soon!

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby unidan » 05 Apr 2019 10:18

Hi, it's a shot in the dark to try to understand your issue, but are you running iTunes (or at least bonjour service) ?

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby pen » 05 Apr 2019 23:48

No, I'm not using iTunes and neither bonjour (as far as I'm aware of).

I've tried to describe what I found to be the root cause in quite a detail here:
https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.ph ... 55#p481689

It's a mismatch between the Windows system and the WiFi/network hardware/driver. It is not a bug in VLC, however it could be worked around there. The problem hits other apps using mDNS as well (and so does the work around).

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby Lupus Australis » 19 Apr 2019 12:21

Turn your VPN off

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby ukbobboy » 23 Apr 2019 01:27

Dear VLC People, forum members and anyone else with this problem

This thread seems to conclude that the problem with VLC casting to chromecast device is solved, yet for me, a non-VPN using, ordinary guy without any developing or programming skills, this problem still persists.

Therefore, is this something the VLC developers are still looking at or have they given up on it? Better still, is there a plug-in solution that a lay person can easily implement?

At this stage, any positive reply would be most welcome.

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby unidan » 23 Apr 2019 17:15

@ukbobboy: what VLC version did you try ? it should work with 3.0.7-nightly, so next release. We would need detail to understand your issue otherwise ;)

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby hannesd » 30 Apr 2019 12:07

It seams, that VLC looks for Chromecast on the wrong network interface.

I disabled all other network interfaces, but not the WIFI interface. Then I started VLC and Chromecast was available.

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 05 May 2019 20:53

It seams, that VLC looks for Chromecast on the wrong network interface.

I disabled all other network interfaces, but not the WIFI interface. Then I started VLC and Chromecast was available.
Very possible. Which one was it talking to?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby scojack » 07 May 2019 16:28


hannesd's guess helps me a lot to solve this issue.
It seams, that VLC looks for Chromecast on the wrong network interface.

I disabled all other network interfaces, but not the WIFI interface. Then I started VLC and Chromecast was available.
Just a brief summary... maybe it can help somebody.

A few months ago I went into this issue. At a beginning I'm thinking it was a issue related to Windows 10 Upgrade 1803 and mDNS or something similar.

On 7th August it seems that issue was solved
Update: issue seems solved! I googled around about Windows 10 Upgrade 1803 and mDNS and found that:


I Installed bonjour Print service for Windows from Apple website as suggested

Best Regards
But it didn't work!

So, frustrated, I gave up and in those months I was streaming from VLC to chromecast opening vlc from cmd

Code: Select all

"C:\Program files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" "path_to_file_video_files" --sout "#chromecast" --sout-chromecast-ip=<Chromecast IP address> --demux-filter=demux_chromecast

Yesterday I resume the issue and checked all replies in this topic and finally the guess of hannesd pointed me to check network adapter of my laptop.

I've installed vmWare Player some months ago. Vmware Player add some virtual network Adapters, so my laptop has several networks. I disabled VmWare virtual network Adapaters and left enabled only WIFI interface.

Then i follow pen's workaround about open a network stream in VLC in the range of address 224.0.0.X
Since it's not trivial for others to make my script above work (in absense of the needed program), please try the following instead. It will basically do the same as the script:

If VLC is stuck on scanning for renderer, then use VLC to open a random multicast network stream in the range of address 224.0.0.X, where X is between 100 and 199. You should notice there is nothing played (since there is no such stream available). Wait for a while and then check for available renderers again. Now they should show up (might take a couple of seconds but not more than a minute).

Note that once you have used a number X, you cannot use it again. A way to generate new numbers might be to set X to 100 + current date. If you get stuck more than once a day, then add 30 to the date or just use 100 + current minute as a random number. And when all numbers are exhausted, well then you have to powercycle the laptop unless that has already been done in a month.

The complete syntax for the multicast network stream to open is udp://@224.0.0.X:5000

Please let me know if it helps.
Bingo! Issue solved! VLC can now discover Chromecast!

Thanks to all!

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby hunnypuppy » 15 May 2019 04:47

None of the above worked, but here's what worked (I figured it out after a while).

I have multiple network adapters on my PC, ethernet, WiFi, Loopback, VPN etc. I disabled ALL of them except the WiFi and ensured that my computer was connected to the same WiFi as the Chromecast. (also ensure that your VLC has an exception in the firewall, it should prompt you to create one when you start the app for the first time)

Restarted VLC and VIOLA within a few seconds it found my Chromecast.

For some reason I think VLC is binding to another adapter and trying to discover/broadcast the chromecast discovery. I don't know why it's binding to other adapters and not the primary WiFi adapter unless you disable all the other adapters.

That's some feedback to the VLC devs, it should be an easy fix to broadcast discovery on all adapters or allow the user to select which adapter to use for Chromecast discovery.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby unidan » 15 May 2019 18:22

For some reason I think VLC is binding to another adapter and trying to discover/broadcast the chromecast discovery. I don't know why it's binding to other adapters and not the primary WiFi adapter unless you disable all the other adapters.
Yes, that's the current track for multicast subscription, but if it is, that's far deeper than chromecast in VLC, and should affect, for example SAP announces.

Thank you for the report.

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Re: Unable to find chromecast with "Render" Stuck on "Scanning"

Postby hunnypuppy » 16 May 2019 15:42

If VLC isn't able to broadcast to all network adapters why not just ask the user to select the network adapter or atleast try to find the WiFi adapter and Ethernet adapters first and then bind to them for the broadcast. There could be a lot of other adapters installed (VPN, Loopback, TeamViewer, remote connections, USB adapters etc etc) which may be interfering.

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