>>--udp-caching 0
Tried this, upd-caching can't really be set to zero however. The source allows 1 or greater only, still setting to 1 really has no noticeable effect anyway.
>>there are many caching settings for the various protocols and inputs, >>outputs..
Are there any that will result in a 1.5 to 2 second delay? I am using udp, WMV2 and TS mux.
Thanks, Dan[/quote]
It seems to be a delay for the transcoding time, I can't also send anything without enconding. I have tried many options. Found that the first delay is on the Dshow cache, but if I set it to something less that 200 ms, I start having problems with error packet late for something, I need to to set this to 400ms for video and 600ms if wanted audio..
All i want to do is send 320x240 over my local network or maybe to back to back machines.
I can do it with Neetmeeting but also I want to sendit full screen so I use VLC but don't want the Delay.
Now VLC is may default player but can make anything else than play files and internet streams.
Anyone can send something without transcoding o without delay over 100Mbps network?