continue playback option

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continue playback option

Postby ptcman » 14 Feb 2017 09:18

I simply love the option we have on top of VLC when we open a video file that we where watching yesterday and it asks if we want to resume from where we stop watching.

The problem I'm having with it though is the fact it disappears from the screen a couple of seconds after the video start playing, meaning, the video stars playing, if if I don't immediately click on continue, so it can resume from yesterday, the option disappears and I lose the opportunity to resume it.
Please allow the option to be always there, allowing us to decide if we want to resume immediately or a couple of minutes later.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: continue playback option

Postby tlm2408 » 25 Feb 2017 15:54

I'm with you ptcman. I used to use Meedio for a long time and one of the best features was that it had a small popup window that asked if you wanted to resume or play from beginning. The window stayed until you picked one. From memory there were settings for how long to display it, an always on and disable mode. It would be nice to have a choice to enable the same kind of thing for VLC.

I'm using VLC as my home theater player and the current resume setup is not usable at all. It doesn't stay long enough to use it. I'm controlling it just with a Harmony one and I haven't tried real hard, but I haven't found how to even get the current resume button on focus. I think this feature would also help quite a lot with accessibility too.

While I'm at it, some hotkeys would be handy one there's already one for play, just need one for resume.

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