Happens all the time with absolutely any video format.
Doesn't happen with audio-only formats.
Also does not happen when i disable video output.
I get pretty much 100% CPU usage and laggy stuttery video no matter what kind of acceleration settings I use or renderer like openGL 2D 3D directX GDI output
even force enabling hardware acceleration uses no difference in CPU usage.
I have a decent 3.240Ghz dual core CPU 6mb cache
and 4GB ram windows 7 ultimate 64-bit
Tried installing 32bit or 64bit VLC version. also tried many other things
it uses like 5-20% CPU even when PAUSED and not playing at all!
WMP on the other hand uses 0-5% CPU on full 1080p60FPS content and 0-20% GPU
and VLC uses 100% CPU and 30-50% GPU on the same file.
What do I do? Just use WMP for everything now? I cant play .it or .xt type audio files in WMP and i dont feel like setting up codecs for it
this CPU usage thing happens with any video format
except i don't get this problem with WMP. plays smoothly even at 2x speed of a 1080p video!!
Even full quality bitrate bluray 1080pHD plays buttery smooth in WMP
and VLC it breaks up horrifically and displays distorted video and freezes the whole time with 100% CPU and 12-83% GPU
I've tried everyyy setting under the sun to get VLC to playback video smoothly and nothing helps!
edit: anyone got any ideas to resolve the high CPU bug? Ive got a GT 710 2GB super-overclocked and 4GB ram so that shouldn't be the issue.