So, I was looking to add some additional visualizations and found some tutuorials on how to use the presets from ProjectM. When I try to start VLC, with audio visualizations set to "libprojectM effect", VLC crashes during startup with "Oooops: VLC media player just crashed".
Things I have done and tried:
[*] Set output module to "DirectX"
[*] Set audio visualization to "libprojectM effect"
[*] Downloaded the most recent projectM-complete-2.1.0-Source.tar.gz (31.1 MB)
[*] Created "C:\Program Files\VLC\visualizations" and placed (*.milk) files in that directory
[*] Configured the projectM preset path to "C:\Program Files\VLC\visualizations"
[*] Made sure to save options and restart VLC
[*] Tried running VLC as administrator and non-administrator
When I start VLC it just crashes. Any suggestions for next steps for me to try?