used VLC for transcoding, why no longer works with H.265?

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New Cone
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used VLC for transcoding, why no longer works with H.265?

Postby MuzzleVelocity » 27 Apr 2016 19:34

I've used VLC for years to transcode video files. I have a batch file that generates a command like this:

-vvv "C:\input_file.mkv" --sout-avcodec-strict=-2 --sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=2000,scale=1,acodec=mp4a,ab=128,channels=2}:standard{access=file,mux=mp4,dst="C:\output_file.mp4"}

(i used to use ffmpeg instead of avcodec, but i had to change it from VLC ver 2.1.x).

But this no longer works when trying to transcode h.265 files. why??

I was using v 2.2.2, then i tried version 3.0 from the nightlies. no dice.

Any thoughts? Does VLC not allow transcoding from a h.265 source?? Thank you!

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: used VLC for transcoding, why no longer works with H.265?

Postby MuzzleVelocity » 04 May 2016 02:10

really? nobody else here needs to transcode x265 to x264?

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: used VLC for transcoding, why no longer works with H.265?

Postby xluryan » 07 Jul 2016 02:50

I would love to do the same thing. Trying to use VLC to convert HEVC to h264.

Seems to only even try to convert the audio. I'm trying to transcode a 1.5G file, but the whole process is done in about 5 seconds. I'm left with a 30MB file after the conversion.

It's not even trying to convert the video stream. Any word from the developers/community would be nice...

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