Enqueue on double click and click from the web

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Enqueue on double click and click from the web

Postby PlayWithFire » 29 Nov 2005 03:38

Finally decided to give VLC a shot (been hearing about it for ages)
Just got the latest version 0.8.4 and so far it pretty cool. Like Media Player Classic on steroids

It solved a problem i had with WMV files, but i still have on question:
Is it possible to get a movie to enqueue by double clicking on it? Or, when i click on a movie link on the web, i want the movie to enqueue as well. Both cases open up a new instance on VLC.

Thanks in advance!

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Postby zorglub » 29 Nov 2005 12:11


You can go to the "Advanced -> Misc" preferences panel (maybe called advanced->others).

You can then check "allow only one running instance" and "enqueue items to playlist when in one instance mode", save.

VLC will then enqueue items instead of opening a new window
Clément Stenac

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Postby PlayWithFire » 29 Nov 2005 15:20

thank you!
i'll give it a shot when i get home tonight


Postby Guest » 21 Dec 2005 15:03

In one instnance mode would it be possible to have a shortcut to enqueue a file and not play it immediatley? e.g. like in winamp

usally i want files to play immediatley but if i am creating a mp3 playlist an enqueue feature would be brilliant.

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