Update to 2.2.2

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New Cone
New Cone
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Update to 2.2.2

Postby Barnys » 09 Mar 2016 06:41

I have a windows 8.1 desktop with Avast av.
This isn’t a huge issue for me, but I am curious about why this would happen and I thought (if it isn’t already known then I can post a little general FYI

My Avast just popped up with a notification that VLC needs to be updated version 2.2.2.
I looked at VLC Help>About and saw my version was 2.2.1, so (because I don’t like letting other apps update aspects of my computer) I clicked Help>Check For Updates and found my version of VLC was up to date.
Then a quick check online and yes there is a new version available, so, why does Avast know my VLC needs updating to 2.2.2 while my VLC reports version 2.2.1 is current.


New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 29 Mar 2016 17:17

Re: Update to 2.2.2

Postby VRSamurai » 29 Mar 2016 17:23

I also see the same problem.

A possibly related issue, is when I go to the web site to download the 2.2.2 version manually it saves it as the file name "vlc-2_2_2-win32_exe" instead of "vlc-2_2_2-win32.exe". Works fine after a renaming, but maybe the in program Check for Update... feature can't find the latest .exe at the source because it is named incorrectly? Something for VideoLAN to fix?

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