Windows 10 Notifications

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Windows 10 Notifications

Postby TanMan » 20 Aug 2015 17:31

I recently upgraded to Windows 10, and now when playing from a playlist, the Windows notification that VLC displays when starting a new media file is accompanied by a bell sound. The visual notification is OK, by the bell is annoying. So I wanted to leave the notifications, but turn off the sound when they're displayed.

Here's how I did it. Right-click on an empty area of the taskbar and select Properties. Next to the label "Notification area:", press the button that says "Customize...". This brings up the "Notifications & actions" tab of the System section of the Settings app. At the bottom of this page, there's a section called "Show notifications from these apps", and "VLC media player" shows up underneath. The options listed are "On: Banner, Sounds".

So I clicked "VLC media player" and changed the option for "Play a sound when a notification arrives" to "Off". And that worked. Now the options listed for VLC are "On: Banner", and no notification sound is played.

If anyone has a better solution, I'd love to hear it.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Windows 10 Notifications

Postby dave444gee » 26 Jan 2016 02:20

works for me. thanks.

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