Interface not responding to mouse clicks.

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Interface not responding to mouse clicks.

Postby johnny2toe » 26 Apr 2013 22:31

I've had this issue for awhile with VLC, but i just ignored it and used keyboard shortcuts but it's finally gotten on my nerves.

I've tried uninstalling, deleting the cache, reinstalling, all the basic trouble shooting steps.

The issue happens as soon as I start VLC, and oddly the right mouse button works fine. The only way I can make the menu buttons/playback buttons on the bottom respond are if I repeatedly right click and then press the left mouse button like a maniac on whatever option i'm trying to use.

The skinned version works ... Kinda. The play pause button will work fine, but anytime you try to access the regular menu (Like Menu Interface, Effects and Filters/ CTRL E) it becomes unresponsive again to the left mouse button.

It's just irritating and I can't figure out what the issue is. Really like the player, but other than very basic functionality in the skinned mode, it's essentially unusable and has been for awhile.
Running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 BIT
HD Radeon 7850 GPU.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Interface not responding to mouse clicks.

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 27 Apr 2013 01:04

Do you have a Wacom tablet?
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Re: Interface not responding to mouse clicks.

Postby johnny2toe » 27 Apr 2013 04:40

No I do not have a Wacom Tablet.
I don't even know what that is. ahaha.

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Re: Interface not responding to mouse clicks.

Postby tirlamet » 09 May 2013 13:21


I registred for the exact same issue! I seek in the web the answer, some people got the same problem but no solution available.

Since a while have the same problem...awful I have to use Windows media player ! Moreover:
I cant open media + subtitle
I cant leave VlC until the video over
I cant navigate forward or backward between 2 videos
and more

What I tried:
Erase Vlc 2.0.6 and reinstall it
Repair Windows 7
Downgrading VLC : 2.0.6 to 2.0.5 ( previous version)

FRENCH FOR DEV: I see some of dev are french.

Depuis quelques jours j'ai exactement le même problème décrit dans ce post! Il a commencé après l'upgrade de la version 2.0.5 à 2.0.6

Lorsque je démarre VLC la barre des taches en haut freeze ( plus moyen de cliquer sur l'un des onglets)
la souris ne controle plus rien ( un coup c'est le sons un coup c'est la position de la bande de manière totalement aléatoire.
Il m'est impossible de quitter VLC avant la fin de la lecture de la video
je ne peux pas passer d'une vidéo à l'autre ( avancer ou reculer)
Je ne peux pas ouvrir un fichier a partir de gestionnaire

Ca en devient tellement chiant que ça m'a obligé à réinstaller et à utiliser windaube media player....

Ce que j'ai essayé de faire:
Un dowgrade ( de la version 2.0.6 à 2.0.5)
reparer windows 7 avec le cd
éffacer et réinstaller windows complètement!!!
Rien de ceci fonctionne!

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Re: Interface not responding to mouse clicks.

Postby jeanne411 » 12 May 2013 19:33

I am having the same problem. When I insert a DVD (I am using commercial DVDs) my mouse sometimes does not show on the screen. When it does show up, the pointer is in a different location from the highlighted option. For example, I point to "play" and nothing is highlighted. When I move my mouse up, then my menu options are highlighted. I have been able to use my cursor keys to move around and highlight the "play" option, then I press the enter key to get the DVD to play. I am using the most recent version, 2.06, running on Windows 7.

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Re: Interface not responding to mouse clicks.

Postby imSiBo » 14 May 2013 20:48

I too am having this problem. Right click works fine. The first button I left click on is the only button I can use, nothing else responds. After reading johnny2toe's post I found that if I right click and hit something on the menu, I can then click on a different button but with the same issue where nothing else will work (so I basically am able to change which single button I want to use). I was using VLC 2.0.3 when the problem started (yesterday) and upgraded to 2.0.6 with no change (Windows 7 Pro).

Update: I think my mouse was causing the problem. I'm using a Logitech G5 and one of the buttons is broken. I disabled the broken button and I'm not having issues in VLC currently.

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Re: Interface not responding to mouse clicks.

Postby elpingu42 » 26 May 2014 16:25

I'm having the same issue. :/ imSiBo's description pretty much covers it all.
Happens in windowed mode, maximized and in fullscreen.
Even the window controls (minimize,maximize,close) aren't responding after pressing anything else. (Can't close the player without killing the process then.)

Windows 7 64bit
VLC 2.1.4

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Re: Interface not responding to mouse clicks.

Postby roywax » 06 Jul 2015 22:37

I just happened to me several times.
Is there anything new on this?
VLC 2.1.5
Keyboard works, mouse just stop moves and but sometimes interface just to respond to it in dialogs, main screen, stc.

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Re: Interface not responding to mouse clicks.

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 17 Jul 2015 13:44

Try 2.2.1
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Re: Interface not responding to mouse clicks.

Postby Slouch » 26 Jul 2022 06:51

Has anyone found a solution to this issue?

It still exists today, even with the latest version, on Windows 7 32-bit.

The interface does not respond to clicks on scrollbars, etc. However, the right-click context menu pops up and I can select "Scroll Here" to simulate using the left mouse
button, especially on the Playlist screen.

Tried this on more than one desktop, and same issue on all machines.


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Re: Interface not responding to mouse clicks.

Postby Hitchhiker » 27 Jul 2022 12:08

I can't reproduce the problem. Reset preferences and then check again:

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