Hi everyone,
i have the problem that the audio in vlc lag every 10 sec. That happens not always but often. I dont know what the trigger for the problem is but if i restart the pc, the problem is gone and it's coming back if something happens when the pc run. It also disappears when the pc run for some time. It's very confusing.
The problem exists for audio streams, audio files and videos with audio. If a video runs, the video displays correct but the audio have every 10 sec a lag. If the vlc player have the problem, windows media player works correct at the same time. I tried to stop antivirus program (Kaspersky Total Security), change cache values for vlc, reinstall vlc player, tried older version (2.1.5) and also tried 64 Bit version of 2.2.1. Nothing works.
Software infos:
- VLC Player 2.2.1
- Windows 8.1 (64 Bit)
- Kaspersky Total Security (
Hardware infos:
- CPU: Intel Core i7 5930K
- GPU's: Nvidia GTX Titan X and 680
- Mainboard: ASUS X99-A
- Soundcacrd: ASUS ROG Xonar Phoebus
If anyone can help me or has a hint to solve it, it would be nice.