VLC album artwork

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VLC album artwork

Postby bassmike » 24 Mar 2015 19:47

Tried the FAQ's and Forum search. Nothing I could find.
My mp3 files were created with AlbumWrap app. and as such do not have
album artwork embedded (not an option for albumwrap). So when I play
the file only the cone shows. Is there a link to a process for MANUALLY
adding artwork? tks M.

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Re: VLC album artwork

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 24 Mar 2015 19:58

Use a mp3 editor?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: VLC album artwork

Postby bassmike » 24 Mar 2015 21:39

mp3 editor. How is that done? will I need to "unwrap" the single files and apply to each or will an mp3 editor assign artwork to the wrapped file from artwork I've downloaded to a folder? And/ or can you suggest one that will work with wrapped albumwrap files? We're talking 5,027 albums. thanks much.

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Re: VLC album artwork

Postby bassmike » 24 Mar 2015 22:36

Found it. This is for v2.2.0 Weatherax (current dl March '15).
http://askubuntu.com/questions/307666/h ... -in-ubuntu
...about halfway down the page. Look for the VLC- associated .gif.

1.Manually Adding Album Art, or Downloading One Album Art
Tools > Media Information (CTRL+I) > "General" Tab >
Right-click on the proxy (default) orange cone picture (1" x 1", on the bottom right)
> Select "Add cover art from file" or "Download cover art".
> Change any value (e.g.: the Artist), only then the 'Save Metadata' button will appear, after it does - press it

This is of course, after going to amazon.com music for the album art and saving to pictures folder.

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Re: VLC album artwork

Postby masterac » 25 Mar 2015 10:02

what do you mean by wrapped album ? like single mp3 of flac containing all of the songs ? if thats the case its fine but you will have only 1 cover per file ( as normal)

applying data to music files is always a pain in the ass, the hardest part is when you want to clean your tags.

adding cover is easy, i recommend tag&rename.

after going to the folder you have the songs you want to add cover,
-select all of them
-right click and click EDIT TAG IN SELECTED FILES
-you will see a new windows, and on the right of it, a ART section, click ADD, select your cover, better to be a JPEG than a PNG to save space, as the data of the cover you choose will be add to the final size of the music file (i recommend size of cover 1000x1000 or 1500x1500max ) this way you dont have shitty picture if you play the file on a big screen, so important to do it while the music is popular otherwise you wont find quality cover)
-then when done click SAVE
-all the file you have selected will have the cover added.

VLC will keep in cache the cover of the file you've played, so if you change the cover of a file you already played, you have to delete the cache to see it, you can do it by hand by going to the folder, or you can right a scrip that will do it for you.

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