Span video across 3 monitors with different resolution/rotation?

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Span video across 3 monitors with different resolution/rotation?

Postby paalb » 23 Mar 2015 07:36

Hi, I have an issue I'm hoping is possible to solve. I would like to span video across monitors with the following setup:
-1 x 32" in 3840x2160 (laying down/normal rotation)
-2 x 23" in 1080 x 1920 (standing/sideways rotation), one on each side of the 32"

I'm hoping, despite the different resolutions/rotations, that I'll be able to span video in fullscreen on all 3 monitors. My GPU is GTX980.

In advance, thank you.

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Blank Cone
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Re: Span video across 3 monitors with different resolution/rotation?

Postby masterac » 23 Mar 2015 13:22

if its the same system why dont you strech the video on the 3 screen ? or make it full screen ?

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Span video across 3 monitors with different resolution/rotation?

Postby paalb » 23 Mar 2015 13:49

Hi, stretching the video won't work and full screen leaves me with a fullscreen window on my primary monitor only. I don't think the instructions I've found using wall filter will work due to the difference in resolutions and rotation.

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