How to enable resume playback in version 2.2

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How to enable resume playback in version 2.2

Postby hengcs » 28 Feb 2015 11:59

I downloaded VLC ver 2.2 but the resume playback feature is not working. It is always play from beginning every time I play a same video file. Is there anyway to enable to resume playback feature?

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Re: How to enable resume playback in version 2.2

Postby bensmith » 28 Feb 2015 13:11

Resume playback is not working for me either on two different Windows PC's. Both running Windows 7. One has the x32 version of VLC 2.2.0 running the other the x64 version of VLC 2.2.0 running. When VLC 2.2.0 installed on both PC's yesterday it "upgraded" the existing installation. Neither prior version of VLC on these two PC's indicated there was an upgrade when running Help -> Check Upgrade to get the 2.2.0 version. Both older versions indicated they were up to date.

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Re: How to enable resume playback in version 2.2

Postby Pachuco » 28 Feb 2015 18:07

My VLC 2.2.0 64-bit on Win 8.1 does not follow the default configuration "Ask" for "Continue playback?" (under the "Qt interface"). I've also tried to change this setting and revert to eiter "Ask" or "Always" but to no avail.

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Re: How to enable resume playback in version 2.2

Postby bensmith » 28 Feb 2015 20:38

It is now hit or miss whether the button shows up for continuing playback where last left off. Sometimes I see it sometimes not. Its not consistent every time when launching the same file from explorer or when opening the file from within VLC. It wasn't until I ran a .MOV file repeatedly that I actually saw the dialog box for playing from last location for the first time, and even then it doesn't appear consistently.

Obviously something is wrong if others are experiencing the same sporadic working of this feature and its not necessarily OS specific.

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Re: How to enable resume playback in version 2.2

Postby similarion » 28 Feb 2015 23:15

Yeah mine is set to "Ask" and it doesn't show up when I reload a video...Any idea how to get this to work?

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Re: How to enable resume playback in version 2.2

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 01 Mar 2015 01:05

Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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The resume playback in version 2.2 does not work with Windows 7 (64-bit).

Postby MichaelIsGreat » 01 Mar 2015 07:28

Warning: capitals are used only to highlight important words and ideas.

On 27/02/2015, I downloaded version 2.2.0 64-bit version for my Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate OS that I have on my computer, as I had read that, at last (!!), the desktop version had implemented the really very basic function called "resume playback", a feature that has been asked FOR MANY YEARS so far for the desktop version of the VLC Media Player and that is implemented basically in every single audio and video media player existing on the planet.

When I first installed this new version, I did not do a full reboot of Windows 7 but I really do not think that it is necessary at all to have this resume playback work properly.
Having said that, later on, I did a full reboot after completely uninstalling VLC 2.2.0 and I even rebooted a second time after I installed VLC 2.2.0! To really be on the sure side, to no avail!
By the way, on my first installation of VLC 2.2.0, I did not delete the settings and cache. However, on my second and last and most recent full re-installation of VLC 2.2.0, I deleted the settings and cache fully. It did not make any difference at all.

To my huge disappointment, I am sad to report that this very basic feature "resume playback" to resume any audio or video playback where you left it after listening to it DOES NOT WORK AT ALL irrespective of how long you listen to an audio or video file!! And I say that despite the fact that I read that it would supposedly work on many articles. I tried everything: re-installed VLC, you name it basically, all to no avail!!!!!

I would rather have not seen this basic feature listed if it was not fully working 100% or at least 99.9% of the time because I cannot tell you how huge a disappointment it is to see it NOT working after many attempts at making it work and after having "praying" for many years to see this basic feature implemented in VLC!

Reading the #14034 new defect link that Jean-Baptiste provided at , it says:
If I open a file through Windows explorer, VLC "resume playback" doesn't work for it.

But if I open the file through the "Media > Open File" menu, then VLC will remember where I stop, and will ask me to resume playback next time I open the file.
For me, in both cases, it does not work at all.

How this "resume feature" must work in Windows (any version)?
---Of course, in Windows 7:
1) it has to work from the Windows Explorer when you double-click on a video or audio file supported by VLC from Windows Explorer in Windows 7, that is the minimum I could say.
2) It also has to work from the jump list links related to VLC that is on my Start menu of Windows 7.
3) And finally (and it comes the last), it has to work when you are in VLC and use Media, open file.
---More, this feature resume playback has to work for every single type of files that you use with VLC, video or audio file, no matter the type of files used and supported by the VLC Media Player.
---I also add that it has to work whenever you close the video at any position inside VLC by using the Media, Quit option or by clicking on the X at the top right corner of the window on Windows 7. Not just if you would first pause the video and then close it by any way possible with Windows 7.
---Finally, it has to work at any position when you close any type of files from VLC. It could be during the very first second of starting the file in VLC, at any position after that, and at any position close to the end of the file in VLC.

On the positive side, I see that Jean-Baptiste gave a high priority flag to solve this very serious and very important bug related to this resume playback feature. I suppose for the only reason that it has been waited for many years and to see it for the first time listed as available, then checking it out and seeing that it does not work at all is really a huge disappointment for many, not only for me.

I am sure the VLC team will test this new feature thoroughly on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 (and Windows 10) to see that it works perfectly well in any scenario possible (from Windows Explorer, from a jump list link for VLC, and so on).

By the way, the VLC team, get ready for Windows 10 because, being a Windows 7 user and having been informed by Microsoft that Windows 10 will be free to Windows 7 (and 8.1) users (a first in the history of Microsoft!), I will upgrade to Windows 10 as soon as it is made available by Microsoft.

I am sure that the VLC team will try to solve this very serious bug soon, especially considering how many years users of VLC have been waiting for this very basic feature resume playback to be made available for the desktop version of VLC.
Keep the good work, the VLC team, you have done a really great job so far.

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Re: How to enable resume playback in version 2.2

Postby tony8989 » 01 Aug 2017 13:28

Hello there,
As much I know the Resume Playback feature appears if started you started watching a video, closed it before finishing it, and later returned to view the same video again. The video will automatically Resume where you left off, or you can select the Start Over button to start the video over.
:geek: :geek: :geek:

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