VLC Glitches, gets stuck in a loop? Help appreciated

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VLC Glitches, gets stuck in a loop? Help appreciated

Postby dr_zoidberg590 » 04 Feb 2015 22:27

In the last few days I have noticed VLC glitching a few times a day. The image freezes, and around 10 seconds of audio repeats on a loop, and the window becomes unresponsive. I couldn't find much reference to anyone else having this problem much less a solution. I have tried re-installing, and have reverted back to the automatic video option after I was on openGL but it hasn't fixed it.

Any ideas?


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Re: VLC Glitches, gets stuck in a loop? Help appreciated

Postby nisargshah95 » 11 Feb 2015 16:59

I have the same problem. But even WMP is getting stuck. I believe in my case its due to a sort-of faulty hard drive. Check if your hard dive is faulty.

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Re: VLC Glitches, gets stuck in a loop? Help appreciated

Postby dr_zoidberg590 » 11 Feb 2015 22:46

Yes, turns out that was the cause.

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