A few weeks back I downloaded the two files necessary to make blu-rays play in vlc into the appropriate directories and it worked. I put the keydb in users/username/appdate/roaming/aacs and the other one i put in the appropriate videlan/vlc directory. Worked like a charm.
Well, last week I decided to get a new motherboard a z97 msi board and an i5 processor and a SSD drive. Everything else was the same. I reinstalled my windows 7 pro and tried to do this little vlc trick and it wouldnt work. I've tried different versions of vlc(old versions) 32 and 64 versions. Uninstalling vlc and reinstalling it just won't work any more. I didn't like the msi board and returned it today and got a asus board, reinstalling my windows 7 pro again and it still won't work. I even have my old bootable hard drive plugged in my case and can look and see where I put the files on the old system, so I know I did it right.
Any ideas what's wrong? When I try and open a m2ts file on a blu ray i've already played when this was working before on the old drive the bottom left corner where it reads 00:00 is blue and on the right side where it would show the running time it says 220:50:04 and is also covered in blue.
When I look at my old drive in the roaming/aacs folder it looks like when I played blu rays vlc created the following files/folders
folder vid
folder vuk
file drl
file hrl