I want to assign Print Screen to take video snapshots within VLC only (not as a global hotkey). Unfortunately I can’t assign Print Screen within VLC’s dialogs since it just takes a capture of the dialog, it’s not sending the key.
So I’ve found the appropriate line in vlcrc, but I’m not sure how to write Print Screen:
# Take video snapshot (string)
I tried Print Screen, PrintScreen, PrntScrn, PrtSc… When I open up VLC and check the hotkey dialog, the new key does appear in the list, however pressing Print Screen on my keyboard does not work—it will not take a video snapshot. I tried assigning another key, like so:
# Take video snapshot (string)
… and it did work, F1 did take a video snapshot, so I just need to get the right word for Print Screen.
Is there a list of how to type special keys into vlcrc so that VLC recognizes them? I searched the forums and the FAQs, but I haven’t found anything.