dual head issue: message window full screen

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dual head issue: message window full screen

Postby Lordzoster » 21 Sep 2005 14:18

i'm running wxppsp2 with a Matrox P650 Dual-DVI. Since a while (don't remember exactly what happened) when VLC starts it opens the Message Window in full-screen and behind it the player stays locked in the top-left corner of the "A" monitor. It doesn't happen regularly, but often.
Very annoying. I'm able to "unlock" the player by resizing it with Sizer, an utility to set window size to precise pixels sizes (i use it while designing web pages).
I updated video adapter drivers regularly (three times) but nothing changed, i even uninstalled and reinstalled several different version of VLC.
I use the standard skin (vxWindows), i installed the "Skins 2" skin (MacOSX-like) but never use it.

Do you have any idea?

Thanks in advance

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Postby zcot » 23 Sep 2005 06:54

it is a problem with the configuration of the Matrox P650 Dual-DVI to the operating system.

I would say configuration settings as opposed to the drivers, if you have updated the drivers properly anyway.

One point is that the "Message Window" will not open if you have last closed vlc without the Message Window showing. If you have the window showing and quit vlc, then when you run it again it will show up again. I'm assuming you are referring to the GUI Message Window and not the window used for the extra interface "logger"(a dos type looking window).

Also there are various potentially helpful posts about using the dual view thing... maybe search "multiple monitor" if I remember correctly.

New Cone
New Cone
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Postby lordzoster » 23 Sep 2005 09:17

thanks for suggestions, i'll try those search words.
i mean the GUI message window (a white-background one with no buttons) - i never opened it, and while VLC is running i'm not able to close it.

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Postby Dandruff » 23 Sep 2005 11:36

i'm also using a matrox p650 but never saw such a behaviour. do you make use of the desktop-management-settings in powerdesk? if so, then try it with all options disabled ...

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