VLC Player 2.0.5 does not play properly

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VLC Player 2.0.5 does not play properly

Postby Pastshelfdate » 24 Jan 2013 23:11

Dear VLC Player Design Community

As far as I can tell, there is something wrong with version 2.0.5 (Twoflower - I love the Terry Pratchett/Disk World reference.). My previous version of VLC Player was working fine. Now it plays choppy video, or stills while the sound plays, and I've reset twice. I tried the mailing lists, as directed, and got an unhelpful response that only then told me the mailing lists were only for registered users. I searched the forums [sic], and found no subject line that approximated the problem I am experiencing.

Today, when I launched my installation of VLC Player, a message popped up, saying there was a new version of VLC Player, a message that asked if I wanted to install the new version (2.0.5 Twoflower). I wish I had declined the offer. Before the change, my VLC Player worked perfectly. Since installing 2.0.5, video freezes, while the sound keeps rolling, regardless of which DVD I try. I’ve uninstalled, downloaded again and reinstalled Twoflowr. I’ve reset VLC’s preferences twice, once form the Start Menu, and again from inside the program, using Tools/Preferences.

Because I didn’t grow up with computers, and am not a computer hobbyist or professional, and am on disability, the only hardware/software solution I can afford is aged: Windows XP Pro, Service Pack 3, on a Dell D820 laptop.

I tried finding my previous version of VLC Player, but you’ve moved it to your FTP list, which is full of file names that are unhelpful to most users. (Please remember that you are volunteering within your specialty.) For some reason, a file labeled “2.0.4” had a file date in January 2013, while a file labeled “2.0.5” was dated December 2012. I tried 2.0.3, but my only option was a 7Zip file, and when I tried downloading 7Zip, the “Save File” button was grayed out, and Firefox locked up. I tried twice. People, none of that was helpful.

I have tried to follow your rules. Clicking on “Overnight Builds” took me to a screaming warning that told me “These may not work!” Well, what I have now won’t work, but I wasn’t about to chance further frustration. I trusted you once too often, already. The rules for reporting bugs disappeared, after I found the rules page, then followed a link on that page. Next you want me to search the forums [sic]. Or I can try for “the relevant mailing list.” That last suggests that I, a user, email all the other users. I need to reach the developers and tell them they messed up.

I have a 31-year history of clinical depression, of wishing for a terminal illness. I really need to be able to watch Mystery Science Theater 3,000 episodes, not be stuck on a failed technology hamster wheel from hell. I know you developers mean well, and generally you do fine work. But this time, you’ve left me hanging out to dry. You nearly ruined the first date I’ve had in over a year, the second date I’ve had in about ten years. Please be more careful, and fix VLC Player.

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Re: VLC Player 2.0.5 does not play properly

Postby Lotesdelere » 25 Jan 2013 08:47

Try another video output module:
http://wiki.videolan.org/WindowsFAQ-2.0 ... _output.3F

And/or disable/enable GPU acceleration:
http://wiki.videolan.org/WindowsFAQ-2.0 ... age_errors

You can also try to enable or disable some video options such as Overlay and/or Hardware YUV -> RGB conversions.

For testing purposes you may try to disable the power management settings (EPU Engine) of your computer.

And finally older versions of VLC can be found here:

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Re: VLC Player 2.0.5 experiences interference

Postby Pastshelfdate » 25 Jan 2013 22:26

Thank you for trying to help. I found the first link you offered overwhelming. With the second one, I was able to understand the suggestions for problems with delayed DVD playback. I tired setting the buffer to 5000 (It was under video output, not under Input/Codecs.). Sound was good (It hadn't been a problem.), but occasionally the video would freeze for a split second. I also tried checking [I think this is what it's called.] "Increase priority." Still freezing frames. Then I tried setting the buffer to 20000, as suggested. Video still froze, momentarily, and I could no longer use my mouse pointer. I had to hold down my power button and restart.

As for the FTP area where older versions of VLC Player are kept, you didn't read my previous message carefully enough. I'd been to that area. The file names are too minimal, or there needs to be info text for each file. And the actual versions are stored as 7Zip files. As I said in my prior message, I was unable to download 7Zip. I'm on disability income; I can't afford to pay over $30 for a program I'll probably only use three times before my current used laptop has to be replaced - and then I'd have to buy 7Zip all over again.

Now, please disregard my complaints about Twoflower. Now all evidence points to interference from other processes hogging the CPU.

No, there was something wrong with version 2.0.5 (Twoflower) of VLC Player, when it was posted for download. My previous version of VLC Player worked just fine, without my needing to change any settings. The fault is not with my laptop, it's not with the DVDs, it's not with the previous editions of VLC Player. I know the coders are all volunteers, and are doing their best. But I really need something that works, reliably. I suspect nearly everyone is happy with the older versions. I can see newer versions may be needed for new OS. But please warn us not to download a new version unless our old version doesn't work. Your dialog box said nothing like that. We trust you. If you ask us if we want the latest version, our first thought will be "How nice of them to offer," not "Oh, wait, I better let this new technology age a while."

So I'm unable to download an earlier version. I'm stuck with not-quite-done 2.0.5. And the Overnight Builds page warns sternly "These might not work!" And how would I ever get back to less-broken 2.0.5.

Most users are like me: we're struggling with life, and just need something that will reliably play the DVDs on which we rely for much-needed rest for our hearts and minds. Please, coders, if it isn't broken, don't fix it.

Bill L.

P.S. After a few hours of testing, I've found VLC Player 2.0.5 runs fine, now, and only has trouble when other processes start grabbing CPU cycles in significant quantities. So there seems to be no fault in Twoflower, and it was only chance interference, probably from something open in Firefox. So I apologize, and I'll continue to trust VLC developers. What I can do about Windows XP's tendency to keep the CPU 95%+ occupied, long after nearly all other processes are terminated, I don't know, other than a cold reboot. That works, for hours or days.
Try another video output module:
http://wiki.videolan.org/WindowsFAQ-2.0 ... _output.3F

And/or disable/enable GPU acceleration:
http://wiki.videolan.org/WindowsFAQ-2.0 ... age_errors

You can also try to enable or disable some video options such as Overlay and/or Hardware YUV -> RGB conversions.

For testing purposes you may try to disable the power management settings (EPU Engine) of your computer.

And finally older versions of VLC can be found here:
Last edited by Pastshelfdate on 26 Jan 2013 01:05, edited 3 times in total.

Big Cone-huna
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Re: VLC Player 2.0.5 does not play properly

Postby Ludrax » 25 Jan 2013 23:49

As for the FTP area where older versions of VLC Player are kept, you didn't read my previous message carefully enough. I'd been to that area. The file names are too minimal, or there needs to be info text for each file. And the actual versions are stored as 7Zip files.
actually, there should be a exe installer, 7zip package(No installer needed) and Zip package(No installer needed)
As I said in my prior message, I was unable to download 7Zip. I'm on disability income; I can't afford to pay over $30 for a program I'll probably only use three times before my current used laptop has to be replaced - and then I'd have to buy 7Zip all over again.
7-Zip is like VLC - open source!
An' if ain't broke, then don't try to fix it...

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Re: VLC Player 2.0.5 sometimes has to fight for the CP

Postby Pastshelfdate » 26 Jan 2013 15:51

As for the FTP area where older versions of VLC Player are kept, you didn't read my previous message carefully enough. I'd been to that area. The file names are too minimal, or there needs to be info text for each file. And the actual versions are stored as 7Zip files.
actually, there should be a exe installer, 7zip package(No installer needed) and Zip package(No installer needed)
That's good to know. I didn't expect the VLC FTP site to have other programs, so I didn't look. Would it be possible to add a note, next to the link to the FTP site, saying "The old versions are zipped, but the FTP site also has downloads for the needed unzip utility."?
As I said in my prior message, I was unable to download 7Zip. I'm on disability income; I can't afford to pay over $30 for a program I'll probably only use three times before my current used laptop has to be replaced - and then I'd have to buy 7Zip all over again.
7-Zip is like VLC - open source!
Thanks, but as I said in my first message, when I went to the home site for 7Zip and clicked to download it, the "Save program" button was grayed out, and Firefox locked up. As I said, I tried twice. And on the same page, just down from the simple download button, was another button for a paid version of 7Zip. So I was left to suspect that a not-very-subtle way was being used to steer me toward paying over $30. I too thought 7Zip was open source, so I was surprised.

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Re: VLC Player 2.0.5 sometimes has to fight for the CP

Postby unRheal » 27 Jan 2013 06:35

Good to hear it's working for you, but so you know:
That's good to know. I didn't expect the VLC FTP site to have other programs, so I didn't look. Would it be possible to add a note, next to the link to the FTP site, saying "The old versions are zipped, but the FTP site also has downloads for the needed unzip utility."?
Actually, I think when he said:
there should be a exe installer, 7zip package(No installer needed) and Zip package(No installer needed)
... he meant there's a "file.exe" and a "file.7z" and a "file.zip" so if you don't want to use zip OR 7zip (which is free...) you can just download and run the exe file.

For example if you want version 2.0.4, get the file vlc-2.0.4-win32.exe - there's only 1 exe file in every versions directory. You can pretty much ignore all the other files in the directories.
Thanks, but as I said in my first message, when I went to the home site for 7Zip and clicked to download it, the "Save program" button was grayed out, and Firefox locked up. As I said, I tried twice. And on the same page, just down from the simple download button, was another button for a paid version of 7Zip. So I was left to suspect that a not-very-subtle way was being used to steer me toward paying over $30. I too thought 7Zip was open source, so I was surprised.
7zip is open source and free. Go to http://www.7-zip.org and download it for free if you like - NOTE that there is NO PAY OPTION. It is free... The only button they have that you can send them money by is labelled "DONATE" - but you can skip all that and just download the exe installer for any [old] version of VLC that you like, as per above.

Also, if anyone ever actually asks you to PAY for 7zip, you are being scammed. Maybe you went to the wrong site or something?


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Re: VLC Player 2.0.5 sometimes has to fight for the CP

Postby Pastshelfdate » 28 Jan 2013 17:58

Good to hear it's working for you, but so you know:
That's good to know. I didn't expect the VLC FTP site to have other programs, so I didn't look. Would it be possible to add a note, next to the link to the FTP site, saying "The old versions are zipped, but the FTP site also has downloads for the needed unzip utility."?
Actually, I think when he said:
there should be a exe installer, 7zip package(No installer needed) and Zip package(No installer needed)
... he meant there's a "file.exe" and a "file.7z" and a "file.zip" so if you don't want to use zip OR 7zip (which is free...) you can just download and run the exe file.

For example if you want version 2.0.4, get the file vlc-2.0.4-win32.exe - there's only 1 exe file in every versions directory. You can pretty much ignore all the other files in the directories.

I'll have to search the FTP site more thoroughly, some time. When I looked, there were clusters of files whose names began with version numbers, and the only files on-screen that were of program length were the 7Zip files. Were the win32.exe files named very differently? Were they in another sub-directory? If so, why would files for a version be split up that way? The FTP site wasn't sufficiently accessible for beginners.
Thanks, but as I said in my first message, when I went to the home site for 7Zip and clicked to download it, the "Save program" button was grayed out, and Firefox locked up. As I said, I tried twice. And on the same page, just down from the simple download button, was another button for a paid version of 7Zip. So I was left to suspect that a not-very-subtle way was being used to steer me toward paying over $30. I too thought 7Zip was open source, so I was surprised.
7zip is open source and free. Go to http://www.7-zip.org and download it for free if you like - NOTE that there is NO PAY OPTION. It is free... The only button they have that you can send them money by is labelled "DONATE" - but you can skip all that and just download the exe installer for any [old] version of VLC that you like, as per above.

Also, if anyone ever actually asks you to PAY for 7zip, you are being scammed. Maybe you went to the wrong site or something?

Yes, somehow I must have gone to the wrong site. Ask.com provided a number of links, and I selected one that had 7Zip in its name, rather than one of the more obvious commercial sites. Thanks to you, at least I know to keep looking. I hope some day to be able to make donations again. Right now, I'm unemployed, on disability. I'm okay, I just had to cut way back on non-essential spending. And at least my degree is in economics, with a computer science minor. Now if only I could find a job that isn't in sales. With mild autism and a long history of depression (in remission), I'm not cut out for sales.

Cheers to you, too, unRheal. :)

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