I’m a 5th grade teacher that bought 35 used laptops for each of my students seven years ago. I have been using VLC to stream up to 4 mp4s at one time. Since I added a couple of wireless laptops, they can only receive if set to multicast (the one is important for video 1.) But if I change it to 2 , 3 or 4, the wired ones can receive it but not the wireless. The wired are on the “Class” network and the wireless are on the “Workgroup” network as my Belkin NAS router with the USB drive, will not allow placing the mapped USB drive on the “Class” network. Therein, lies the problem I think. Does anyone know how to multicast to both networks within the same router? On my teacher computer, I'm using VLC 8.6I to broadcast because I can't get the newer versions to multicast to the 8.6I on the laptops.