I've copied the key file to %APPDATA%\AACS
Code: Select all
C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming>dir aacs
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is 7864-E142
Directory of C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\aacs
05/28/2012 11:58 AM <DIR> .
05/28/2012 11:58 AM <DIR> ..
05/28/2012 11:58 AM 80 drl
05/28/2012 10:59 AM 3,006 KEYDB.cfg
2 File(s) 3,086 bytes
2 Dir(s) 95,999,582,208 bytes free
Code: Select all
C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC>dir
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is 7864-E142
Directory of C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC
05/28/2012 11:12 AM <DIR> .
05/28/2012 11:12 AM <DIR> ..
03/16/2012 06:04 PM 12,363 AUTHORS.txt
03/16/2012 06:05 PM 416,256 axvlc.dll
03/16/2012 06:04 PM 294 axvlc.dll.manifest
03/16/2012 06:04 PM 18,431 COPYING.txt
05/27/2012 10:44 PM 55 Documentation.url
[b]05/28/2012 11:11 AM 459,776 libaacs.dll[/b]
03/16/2012 06:05 PM 111,104 libvlc.dll
03/16/2012 06:05 PM 2,285,056 libvlccore.dll
05/27/2012 10:43 PM <DIR> locale
05/27/2012 10:43 PM <DIR> lua
03/16/2012 06:04 PM 116,948 NEWS.txt
05/27/2012 10:44 PM 64 New_Skins.url
03/16/2012 06:05 PM 307,712 npvlc.dll
03/16/2012 06:04 PM 294 npvlc.dll.manifest
05/27/2012 10:43 PM <DIR> osdmenu
05/27/2012 10:44 PM <DIR> plugins
03/16/2012 06:04 PM 2,687 README.txt
05/27/2012 10:43 PM <DIR> sdk
05/27/2012 10:43 PM <DIR> skins
03/16/2012 06:04 PM 1,173 THANKS.txt
05/27/2012 10:44 PM 212,369 uninstall.exe
05/27/2012 10:44 PM 50 VideoLAN Website.url
03/16/2012 06:05 PM 107,008 vlc-cache-gen.exe
03/16/2012 06:05 PM 108,544 vlc.exe
03/16/2012 06:04 PM 825 vlc.exe.manifest
19 File(s) 4,161,009 bytes
8 Dir(s) 95,999,582,208 bytes free
C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC>
Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?Blu-Ray error:
Your system AACS decoding library does not work. Missing keys?
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'bluray:///E:/'. Check the log for details.