VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

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VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby bitterkitten » 21 Mar 2012 03:16

Bizarro. Win 7 SP1 64 bit - Upgraded from 1.x to 2.0.1, now VLC (only, of all my multimedia apps) routes audio to my internal PC speaker. Can't seem to find where in the settings one might adjust this.. other media players send signal to the default 'high definition speakers' which is the onboard mb audio card.

(Actually if you had asked me how to purposely make any of my audio sw send signal to the internal pc speaker, previously, I would have said "er, it's not listed as an option so I can't select it".)

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 21 Mar 2012 11:23

Change audio output in preferences.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby bitterkitten » 21 Mar 2012 16:12

A generally good suggestion - but to what? None of the audio outputs point to it, and none I select seem to change it to another source (audibly, anyway). Rebooting the machine makes no difference. It's quite odd.

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby bitterkitten » 22 Mar 2012 00:25

Yep, tried every one in the list. Did the 'show settings' -> 'all' -> 'audio' -> 'output modules' .. directx, waveout, primary sound driver. All the choices underneath each one.. same. 'Reset' VLC preferences, restarted VLC, multiple times, multiple reboots. Sound keeps getting routed to the pc speaker. And bizarrely, this only happens with VLC - other players route to regular speakers fine.

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby bitterkitten » 23 Mar 2012 04:02

I reckon I surrender until the next vlc iteration. Woe! It's too bad, video quality seems to have improved dramatically for a number of files I have. : )

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby zWaR » 23 Mar 2012 13:22


Had the same problem in VLC 2.0.1, but in our case it helped to do this:
Tools -> Preferences
Select Audio
Select Win32 waveout extension output from the Output module dropdown.

The procedure was described here (as allready posted before): http://wiki.videolan.org/WindowsFAQ-2.0 ... o_my_PC.3F

In our case the default win sound device are the external speakers.

We also noticed this:
We only have two audio devices (external and internal speakers). If VLC's Output module was set to default and windows' default audio device were internal speakers, the sound was directed to external speakers and vice versa.

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby bitterkitten » 24 Mar 2012 03:05

hmmm. Ok after several attempts, selecting "waveout" seems to work (that is, it finally goes to my external speakers/soundcard). However, the audio is jerky.. it keeps cutting out every few seconds during the playback of any kind of file. I still suspect some kind of bug in the 2.x.. I'll keep experimenting. Thanks!

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby bitterkitten » 24 Mar 2012 03:08

(and yes that's with the 'float32' option unchecked or checked).

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby hbarSquared » 26 Mar 2012 19:27

I had the exact same issue: Installed 2.0.1, Win 7, suddenly the output was being sent to the internal speakers despite the Windows default being headphones. (Youtube et. al. still sent audio to my headphones, so I know it wasn't a Windows config issue). I tried changing the output in VLC to DirectX, no dice. Waveout sent it to the right place, but the output was choppy (small pause at regular intervals about ~1 sec apart).

I opened the Playback Devices control panel (right click on volume speaker icon -> Playback Devices) and disabled the unused one (right-click -> Properties, change "Device usage" at bottom of window to "Don't use this device (Disabled)"). The audio now plays through the headphones like it should. Note that this will make the internal speaker unusable until you re-enable it from the control panel - once disabled, it stops showing up in the Playback Devices screen.

Does this version of VLC ignore the Windows default? I happened to notice that the internal speakers were listed first - does VLC make an assumption about list order?

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby valec » 27 Mar 2012 03:47

I have the same issue and have reinstalled 1.1.11.

Issue is:
I set the Simple settings to use DirectX for the output, but I do not get any Devices for it.
If I use the All Settings, I can now see the Devices for DirectX, but any of them I choose it keeps going to my speakers.

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby bitterkitten » 27 Mar 2012 04:45

removed 2.x, went back to 1.1.9. Audio works a-ok right off the bat without changing anything. Whether the Audio output is set to the Default, or waveout, both work fine, so I'm stickin' with it for now.

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby Max_71 » 06 Apr 2012 14:13

I use headphones and external speakers and had the same problems routing my sound by default to my headset. Here is what I did.

Open Tools/Preferences and at the bottom of the list,under "Show settings" switch from Simple to "All".
Under Audio, Expand and select "Output module" and change Audio output module to "Win32 waveOut extension output".

Under "Output module" select "Waveout".

Select Audio Device. In the dropdown, select your output used for your headset and click save.

Restart VLC.

It worked for me, hopes it helps someone.

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby j-luc_b » 20 May 2012 19:47

I tried changing the output in VLC to DirectX, no dice. Waveout sent it to the right place, but the output was choppy (small pause at regular intervals about ~1 sec apart).
Same, same, same. Direct X is unable to use another output than the default output and WaveOut is cut in slices. Old versions of VLC where perfect about this.

Windows 7 64 Fr, processor I5, UA-1000 sound card.

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 21 May 2012 19:10

VLC 2.0.2 will fix that. Take a nightly build.
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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby bitterkitten » 26 May 2012 21:09

Sure enough, fixed! in 2.1.0. (used a nightly build per JB. Thanks!)

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 27 May 2012 22:31

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby BikerRay » 22 Jun 2012 17:01

Disagree with BitterKitten - 2.1.0 didn't fix the audio stuttering, so I went back to 1.9, which works fine. Too bad, version 2 looked like an improvement.

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby kiwi2000 » 02 Sep 2012 11:05

confirmed.. VLC 2.x has a stutter on i7 laptop every 10 seconds.. suspect
its the length of the cache

however 2.04 beta seems to have fixed this

UNLESS you choose 1.5 speed which I use alot to watch stuff faster

v1.1.11 no issues what so ever but i love the new time bar in VlC2.x
its hard to go back to the old skin

problem would be solve if the v2,0 skin could be portable to older releases :)
none of the custom skins come close to the normal one in my books

however waveout extension doesnt have the stutter even on 1.5x speed

but it drifts out of SYNC on 1.5x speed so one problem solve to produces another in its place
sounds goes to internal speakers ok not tried headphones though

so it seems to be a issue with it interfacing with directx and perhaps a cache/buffer

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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 07 Sep 2012 19:10

confirmed.. VLC 2.x has a stutter on i7 laptop every 10 seconds.. suspect
its the length of the cache

however 2.04 beta seems to have fixed this
Can you mail me, please?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: VLC 2.x sends audio to.. internal pc speaker!

Postby kiwi2000 » 25 Jan 2013 01:57

after much research... I found a post on the web talking about the HP power assistant
on laptops after version 2,026 I think it was . even the latest builds
all cause the sound anomaly..

although various vlc tweaks improved it and caching.. it never did solve the
clicking until I rolled back HP drivers..
why a power assistant software should impact on the sound beats me but it worked

solution was to roll back or totally remove it

maybe others dont know this fix as well?

note waveout would still drift on 1.5x speed though I have 2.06 beta now
and im back to use the standard output (directx?) since rolling back HP rubbish

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