Previous to today, I was using VLC 1.11.
Using that old version, I took a snapshot of a paused video and the snapshot appeared in the correct folder. But the snapshot was distorted - it did not have the same height/width ratio as the original video.
So I tried to adjust the snapshot preferences - Tools / Preferences / Video / Snapshot. But the width and height had to be fixed numbers and I didn't know what the width and height were of the video I was playing. I could have kept guessing until the snapshot looked right, but I thought (1) it should be automatic and (2) maybe a newer version will have sorted this out.
So I am now running version 2.0.1.
But when I pause a video and click Tools / Take Snapshot, I get this error:
Streaming / Transcoding failed:
VLC could not open the encoder.
I haven't uninstalled anything other than the version 1.11, and didn't delete the preferences when I did that.
Can you suggest what might be the problem please?