How do I stream from the web?

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New Cone
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How do I stream from the web?

Postby jm-deagot » 25 Aug 2011 04:26

I am slightly hard of hearing and was delighted to hear about VLC with it's 400% audio boost :)

I am, however, having trouble working out how to stream stuff from the web in VLC player.

Can someone please explain to me (and treat me like I'm thick as **** - I won't be offended - I'd rather be treated like a numpty and learn what to do than someone trying to help me and being 2 steps ahead of me - please don't assume anything is too basic) exactly how to do it?

The url of what I want to stream through VLC player (as it's so QUIET on it's own site) is here : ... o-zero/4od

I really hope someone can help me out....

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: How do I stream from the web?

Postby jm-deagot » 25 Aug 2011 04:34

Also, before anyone sees my username and thinks I'm a bot or something, when I initially tried to log in under my original registration, it kept changing my username to my email address when I clicked on the log in button.

Using a temproary email address as both username and email was a workaround. I'll happily provide mods/admins my initial registration details..

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Re: How do I stream from the web?

Postby VLC_help » 25 Aug 2011 16:04

You have to figure out the actual URL of the video since VLC doesn't have a Channel4 lua parser. Wireshark is one program you can use.

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