View movies in black and white

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View movies in black and white

Postby randgarr » 16 Jun 2011 09:35

I'm trying to get VLC to play movies in black and white.

I turn on the "color threshold filter" but it only achieves 90% of the way towards B&W. Some red still occurs in most images. Other color adjustment attempts cause no video playback, just audio.

I have no other way to adjust color to achieve black and white for the movie.

Check marking "greyscale" video output doesn't change a thing with and without the filter being on.

VLC v1.1.9

Win XP SP3
Onboard (yea, lame) MSI Radeon Xpress 200 video
HP LCD monitor (no color adjustment hue wise)
DVD & video files for Indiana Jones movie.

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Re: View movies in black and white

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 16 Jun 2011 12:26

The adjust filter doesn't work for you?
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Re: View movies in black and white

Postby randgarr » 16 Jun 2011 17:50

The adjustments I find which has options of several colors to adjust, when I set it to zero (which should force B&W or blank screen) instead triggers the above mentioned "no video" issue where the video is disabled (menu options gone) and only the audio portion is playing. A "minor" malfunction in VLC I've seen before. Not the expected results such as if the adjustment caused all colors going to black for example. Just adjusting red by itself still triggers the disabled video. Menu options for video controls of all sorts are blanked out and the player is acting like it's playing a regular audio file. Just trying to be sure you understand that I know what's going on in VLC.

Instead of adjusting colors it causes the player to malfunction. I've seen the bug before playing some movies and when I clear it's cache, the problem goes away. It's a minor bug in the free program!


Update, the new version downloaded last night still had the above "malfunction" but today it still plays video but without adjusting color when I set saturation to zero in the adjustments. That's why I would not submit a bug report for the "no video, audio only" error as it pops up from time to time and things on Windows can be a bit unstable so it's not worth pursuing. But getting it to do a perfect B&W however is the problem.

Color threshold filter is check marked, but when Color Threshold settings are set to 0 the black and white (with the red bits) goes back to normal full color without adjustments.

Check marking grey scale output doesn't change a thing. But I'm still going through my usual inventive tests to see if I can find a magic setting to get the good results. Most of the advanced settings regarding color are malfunctioning on my setup. No indication of it being the video card / monitor but just VLC settings not working well regarding color. Normal play is just fine.

New Cone
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Re: View movies in black and white

Postby Brod » 10 Nov 2011 10:15

Is the grayscale option supposed to make video display in black & white? It doesn't do anything for me either.

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Re: View movies in black and white

Postby VLC_help » 10 Nov 2011 15:35

Grayscale doesn't work with most video IIRC.

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