wmv(asf) into mp4 convert problem (no sound) T.T SOS! HelpME

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wmv(asf) into mp4 convert problem (no sound) T.T SOS! HelpME

Postby kjvjung » 10 Jun 2011 14:55

wmv(asf) into mp4 convert problem (no sound) T.T SOS! HelpME

I want perfact converting that asf into mp4.

success condition : adroid streaming good, iphone streaming good, (adroid or pc) web direct like play good.

but, only direct link in iphone, no sound, T.T :cry:

why, why? why?

asf file link :

script command :
E:\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe -I dummy E:\cdn7e_source\moon_Tip_63_300.asf :sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=200,scale=1,width=320,height=240,acodec=mp4a,ab=96,channels=1,fps=29.97,samplerate=48000,venc=x264{profile=baseline,level=3.0}}:file{dst=E:\cdn7e_target\moon_Tip_63_300.mp4}

wowza andriod streaming : rtsp:// (vod ok, sound ok)
wowza iphone streaming : ht..tp:// (vod ok, sound ok)
direct link : ht..tp:// (android or pc : vod ok, sound ok, but iphone no sound)

why? why?

help me!!! help me!!!!!

vlc log :

Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.

E:\VideoLAN\VLC>E:\VideoLAN\VLC\convert_mobile2.bat moon_Tip_63_300 asf

E:\VideoLAN\VLC>E:\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe -I dummy E:\cdn7e_source\moon_Tip_63_300
.asf :sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=200,scale=1,width=320,height=240,acodec=mp4
.0}}:file{dst=E:\cdn7e_target\moon_Tip_63_300.mp4} vlc://quit

E:\VideoLAN\VLC>E:\VideoLAN\VLC\convert_mobile2.bat moon_Tip_63_300 asf

E:\VideoLAN\VLC>E:\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe -I dummy E:\cdn7e_source\moon_Tip_63_300
.asf :sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=200,scale=1,width=320,height=240,acodec=mp4

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Re: wmv(asf) into mp4 convert problem (no sound) T.T SOS! He

Postby Lotesdelere » 11 Jun 2011 11:47

I know that iTunes doesn't like the ADTS bit of some AAC files so I guess it should be the same for the iPhone.

FFmpeg can remove ADTS to make it 'compatible' (cough) so you may want to try this:
First you need to extract the AAC raw stream from the MP4, say with YAMB+MP4Box.
Then use FFmpeg to remove ADTS and create an Apple 'compatible' MP4:

Code: Select all

ffmpeg -i input.aac -absf aac_adtstoasc -acodec copy output.mp4

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