Postby jbp » 23 Jul 2016 09:47
Your question: An alternative way is ok for me, such that for example i previously exit vlc. Is this possible via command line?
yes, you can invoke the windows taskmanager to quit VLC. This is the same as ALT-CTRL-DEL and killing the process, so any changes to window size/placement etc etc will be lost and when you restart VLC, it will be as the last "graceful" exit, which will have saved the parameters as set at that time.
The command to issue to Windows is
taskkill /F /IM vlc.exe
i send this directly from a Filemaker Pro runtime solution using a script line which looks like this:
Send Event ["aevt";"odoc";"taskkill /F /IM vlc.exe"]
The "Send Event" command in Filemaker Pro sends the event directly to Windows as if you had opened a CMD window and typed the command into the DOS prompt.
To reopen vlc, i issue this command:
Send Event ["aevt";"odoc";"vlc.exe silence.mp3"]
This sends another call to Windows, telling it to start vlc.exe and run an mp3 clip called "silence.mp3"...this mp3 clip is 1/4 second of silence, which i created using Audacity.
Hope this helps...