I'm using the latest VLC1.1.2 Win32 on a Vista 32bit machine.
Everytime a try to add a new Folder in Library, i got the following crash:
Visual C++ Assertion failed
File : ../..../src/text/strings.c
Line 1120
Expression : path[0] ==DIR_SEP_CHAR
Unix vs Windows, slash vs backslash war again ?

The Folder starts with D:\Musique and contains various subdirectories with mp3, videos, some modules files (.xm, .it, that are listed but not supported by VLC), some dir names starts with underscores. (__Some_music)
This happens on a clean system, after uninstalling the previous version, and is reproducible each time.
BTW, vlc 1.1.1 works perfectly on this.
Thanks for your help !