VLC compilation including openssl

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VLC compilation including openssl

Postby dodo.r84 » 10 May 2010 08:38

Hi all,
sorry for my bad english.

I'm trying to do the cross compile and I would include openssl.
(cross compile without openssl is successful)
You have any idea?

When I compile to linux version I just add " LDFLAGS='-lssl -lcrypto' " to configure.

Thanks in advance


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: VLC compilation including openssl

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 May 2010 14:00

Why do you want openssl?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
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Re: VLC compilation including openssl

Postby dodo.r84 » 17 May 2010 07:51

because I need to encrypt a stream video.
are already implemented encryption algorithms in VLC?
I simply need to DES!



Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: VLC compilation including openssl

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 17 May 2010 08:44

use DVB/CSA in ts demuxer/muxer
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
If you want an answer to your question, just be specific and precise. Don't use Private Messages.

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Re: VLC compilation including openssl

Postby dodo.r84 » 17 May 2010 13:38

Yes, but I need the decryption des.
The video stream that I receive is encrypted with des.

I did the following step:

./Configure --cross-compile-prefix=/usr/bin/i586-mingw32msvc- mingw shared
cp *.a /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/lib/
cp *.dll /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/bin/
cp include/openssl /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/include/

VLC 1.0.6 Source



# Automatically generated by bootstrap.
# Make changes if you know what you're doing.
HAVE_WIN32 = 1
PKG_CONFIG_PATH = $(PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig
BUILD = x86_64-linux
HOST = i586-mingw32msvc
PREFIX = /media/altro/vlc/vlc-1.0.6-win/vlc-1.0.6/extras/contrib
CC = i586-mingw32msvc-gcc
CXX = i586-mingw32msvc-g++
LD = i586-mingw32msvc-ld
RANLIB = i586-mingw32msvc-ranlib
AR = i586-mingw32msvc-ar
STRIP = i586-mingw32msvc-strip
EXTRA_CPPFLAGS = -isystem $(PREFIX)/include
WGET = /usr/bin/wget -c --passive
SVN = /usr/bin/svn
GIT = /usr/bin/git


# Automatically generated by bootstrap
# Make changes if you know what you're doing.
# Standard Linux or other UNIX-like systems
all: .iconv .intl .freetype .fribidi .zlib \
.a52 .mpeg2 .id3tag .mad .ogg .vorbis .vorbisenc .theora \
.flac .speex .faad .lame .ebml .matroska .dvdcss \
.live .caca .mod .x264 .xml .twolame \
.png .gpg-error .gcrypt .mpcdec \
.dvdnav .dca .raw1394 .dc1394 .lua \
.kate \
.aclocal .ffmpeg .Qt


then VLC

./bootstrap && export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/media/altro/vlc/vlc-1.0.6-win/vlc-1.0.6/extras/contrib/lib/pkgconfig \
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/media/altro/vlc/vlc-1.0.6-win/vlc-1.0.6/extras/contrib/lib/pkgconfig \
CPPFLAGS="-I/media/altro/vlc/vlc-1.0.6-win/vlc-1.0.6/extras/contrib/include \
-I/media/altro/vlc/vlc-1.0.6-win/vlc-1.0.6/extras/contrib/include/ebml" CXXCPP=i586-mingw32msvc-cpp \
LDFLAGS=-L/media/altro/vlc/vlc-1.0.6-win/vlc-1.0.6/extras/contrib/lib \
CC=i586-mingw32msvc-gcc CXX=i586-mingw32msvc-g++

./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc --build=amd64-linux LDFLAGS='-lssl -lcrypto' --prefix=/media/altro/vlc/vlc-1.0.6-win/Test_vlc-1.0.6 \
--disable-gtk --enable-nls --enable-ffmpeg --with-ffmpeg-mp3lame --with-ffmpeg-faac --with-ffmpeg-zlib --enable-faad --enable-flac \
--enable-theora --enable-live555 --with-live555-tree=/media/altro/vlc/vlc-1.0.6-win/vlc-1.0.6/extras/contrib/src/live \
--enable-caca --with-caca-config-path=/media/altro/vlc/vlc-1.0.6-win/vlc-1.0.6/extras/contrib/bin \
--with-xml2-config-path=/media/altro/vlc/vlc-1.0.6-win/vlc-1.0.6/extras/contrib/bin --disable-cddax --disable-vcdx \
--enable-twolame --enable-debug --disable-swscale --disable-sdl --disable-mad --enable-mozilla --disable-directx

(if not disable the directx [--disable-directx] compilation fails)

make package-win32

then proceed with the installation in Windows but no longer exists the module rtsp (Live555)

main debug: processing request item rtsp:// node Playlist skip 0

main debug: resyncing on rtsp://

main debug: rtsp:// is at 0

main debug: starting new item

main debug: creating new input thread

main debug: Creating an input for 'rtsp://'

main debug: thread (input) created at priority 1 (input/input.c:230)

main debug: thread started

main debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MBytes

main debug: using timeshift path 'D:\DOCUME~1\dev\LOCALS~1\Temp'

main debug: `rtsp://' gives access `rtsp' demux `' path `'

main debug: creating demux: access='rtsp' demux='' path=''

main debug: looking for access_demux module: 0 candidates

main debug: no access_demux module matched "rtsp"

main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.000 ms - Total 0.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.000 ms)

main debug: creating access 'rtsp' path=''

main debug: looking for access module: 0 candidates

main error: no access module matched "rtsp"

main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.000 ms - Total 0.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.000 ms)

main error: open of `rtsp://' failed: no access module matched "rtsp"

main debug: finished input

main debug: dead input

main debug: thread ended

main debug: thread times: real 0m0.000000s, kernel 0m0.000000s, user 0m0.000000s

main debug: Destroying the input for 'rtsp://'

main debug: TIMER input launching for 'rtsp://' : 11.000 ms - Total 11.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 11.000 ms)

main debug: changing item without a request (current 0/1)

main debug: nothing to play

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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VLC version: 4.0.0-git
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Location: Cone, France

Re: VLC compilation including openssl

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 17 May 2010 19:12

why isn't live555 built?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
If you want an answer to your question, just be specific and precise. Don't use Private Messages.

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Re: VLC compilation including openssl

Postby dodo.r84 » 17 May 2010 22:48

I don't know!!! I need to live555, but if I include openssl (following the steps above), live555 module is no longer seen.

What am I doing wrong?
Everything works fine if I do not include openssl.

Thanks for your patience

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Location: Cone, France

Re: VLC compilation including openssl

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 18 May 2010 00:09

vlc --no-plugins-cache --list

Read the yellow lines.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
If you want an answer to your question, just be specific and precise. Don't use Private Messages.

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Joined: 30 Mar 2009 15:28

Re: VLC compilation including openssl

Postby dodo.r84 » 18 May 2010 08:22

This is the command output, but there isn't live555!!!

zip Zip files filter
zip Zip access
yuy2_i422 Conversions from YUY2,YUNV,YVYU,UYVY,UYNV,Y422,cyuv to I422
yuy2_i420 Conversions from YUY2,YUNV,YVYU,UYVY,UYNV,Y422,cyuv to I420
yuv YUV video output
yuvp YUVP converter
xtag Simple XML Parser
xml XML Parser (using libxml2)
xa XA demuxer
x264 H.264/MPEG4 AVC encoder (x264)
wingdi Windows GDI video output
wav WAV demuxer
wave Wave video filter
waveout Win32 waveOut extension output
wall Wall video filter
vorbis Vorbis audio decoder
vorbis Vorbis audio encoder
vorbis Vorbis audio packetizer
vod_rtsp RTSP VoD server
voc VOC demuxer
vobsub Vobsub subtitles parser
vmem Video memory output
visual Visualizer filter
vcd VCD input
vc1 VC1 video demuxer
ugly_resampler Audio filter for ugly resampling
ty TY Stream audio/video demux
twolame Libtwolame audio encoder
tta TTA demuxer
trivial_resampler Audio filter for trivial resampling
trivial_mixer Trivial audio mixer
trivial_channel_mixer Audio filter for trivial channel mixing
transform Video transformation filter
theora Theora video decoder
theora Theora video encoder
theora Theora video packetizer
telx Teletext subtitles decoder
telnet VLM remote control interface
t140 t140
t140 T.140 text encoder
svcdsub Philips OGT (SVCD subtitle) decoder
svcdsub Philips OGT (SVCD subtitle) packetizer
subtitle Text subtitles parser
subsusf USF subtitles decoder
subsdec Text subtitles decoder
stream_out_transcode Transcode stream output
stream_out_standard Standard stream output
stream_out_rtp RTP stream output
stream_out_record Record stream output
stream_out_raop Remote Audio Output Protocol stream output
stream_out_mosaic_bridge Mosaic bridge stream output
stream_out_gather Gathering stream output
stream_out_es Elementary stream output
stream_out_duplicate Duplicate stream output
stream_out_dummy Dummy stream output
stream_out_display Display stream output
stream_out_description Description stream output
stream_out_bridge Bridge stream output
stream_out_bridge Bridge stream output
stream_out_bridge Bridge stream output
stream_out_autodel Automatically add/delete input streams
stream_filter_record Internal stream record
stream_filter_rar Uncompressed RAR
stats Stats encoder function
stats Stats video output function
stats Stats demux function
stats Stats decoder function
spudec DVD subtitles decoder
spudec DVD subtitles packetizer
speex Speex audio decoder
speex Speex audio encoder
speex Speex audio packetizer
spdif_mixer Dummy S/PDIF audio mixer
spatializer Audio Spatializer
smf SMF demuxer
skins2 Skinnable Interface
skins2 Skins loader demux
skins2 Skinnable Interface
simple_channel_mixer Audio filter for simple channel mixing
simple_channel_mixer audio filter for simple channel mixing
showintf Show interface with mouse
shout Shoutcast radio listings
shout Freebox TV listing (French ISP free.fr services)
shout French TV
shout Shoutcast TV listings
sharpen Augment contrast between contours.
screen Screen Input
scene Scene video filter
scale Video scaling filter
scaletempo Audio tempo scaler synched with rate
sap SAP Announcements
sap SDP Descriptions parser
rv32 RV32 conversion filter
rtp Real-Time Protocol (RTP) input
rss RSS and Atom feed display
rotate Rotate video filter
ripple Ripple video filter
remoteosd Remote-OSD over VNC
real Real demuxer
rc Remote control interface
rawvid Raw video demuxer
rawvideo Pseudo raw video decoder
rawvideo Pseudo raw video packetizer
rawdv DV (Digital Video) demuxer
rawaud Raw audio demuxer
qt4 Qt interface
qt4 Qt interface
qt4 Dialogs provider
pva PVA demuxer
puzzle Puzzle interactive game video filter
ps MPEG-PS demuxer
ps MPEG-PS demuxer
psychedelic Psychedelic video filter
postproc Video post processing filter
podcast Podcasts
png PNG video decoder
playlist Playlist
playlist iTunes Music Library importer
playlist Dummy ifo demux
playlist Google Video Playlist importer
playlist QuickTime Media Link importer
playlist Kasenna MediaBase parser
playlist ASX playlist import
playlist New winamp 5.2 shoutcast import
playlist XSPF playlist import
playlist Podcast parser
playlist DVB playlist import
playlist B4S playlist import
playlist PLS playlist import
playlist RAM playlist import
playlist M3U playlist import
param_eq Parametric Equalizer
panoramix Panoramix: wall with overlap video filter
packetizer_vc1 VC-1 packetizer
packetizer_mpegvideo MPEG-I/II video packetizer
packetizer_mpeg4video MPEG4 video packetizer
packetizer_mpeg4audio MPEG4 audio packetizer
packetizer_mlp MLP/TrueHD parser
packetizer_h264 H.264 video packetizer
packetizer_dirac Dirac packetizer
packetizer_copy Copy packetizer
osd_parser osd_parser
osd_parser XML OSD configuration importer
osd_parser OSD configuration importer
osdmenu On Screen Display menu
opengl OpenGL video output
ogg OGG demuxer
nuv Nuv demuxer
ntservice Windows Service interface
nsv NullSoft demuxer
nsc Windows Media NSC metademux
normvol Volume normalizer
noise Noise video filter
mux_wav WAV muxer
mux_ps PS muxer
mux_ogg Ogg/OGM muxer
mux_mpjpeg Multipart JPEG muxer
mux_mp4 MP4/MOV muxer
mux_dummy Dummy/Raw muxer
mux_avi AVI muxer
mux_asf ASF muxer
msn MSN Now-Playing
mpgv MPEG-I/II video demuxer
mpeg_audio MPEG audio layer I/II/III decoder
mpeg_audio MPEG audio layer I/II/III packetizer
mp4 MP4 stream demuxer
motiondetect Motion detect video filter
motionblur Motion blur filter
mosaic Mosaic video sub filter
mono Audio filter for stereo to mono conversion
mod MOD demuxer (libmodplug)
mkv Matroska stream demuxer
mjpeg M-JPEG camera demuxer
memcpy libc memcpy
memcpymmx MMX memcpy
memcpymmxext MMX EXT memcpy
memcpy3dn 3D Now! memcpy
marq Marquee display
magnify Magnify/Zoom interactive video filter
m4v MPEG-4 video demuxer
lua Fetch artwork using lua scripts
lua Lua Interface Module
lua Lua Playlist Parser Interface
lpcm Linear PCM audio decoder
lpcm Linear PCM audio packetizer
logo Logo sub filter
logo Logo video filter
logger File logging
linear_resampler Audio filter for linear interpolation resampling
linear_resampler Audio filter for linear interpolation resampling
libmpeg2 MPEG I/II video decoder (using libmpeg2)
kate Kate overlay decoder
invmem Memory video decoder
invert Invert video filter
i422_yuy2 Conversions from I422 to YUY2,YUNV,YVYU,UYVY,UYNV,Y422,IUYV,cyuv,Y211
i422_yuy2_mmx MMX conversions from I422 to YUY2,YUNV,YVYU,UYVY,UYNV,Y422,IUYV,cyuv
i422_i420 Conversions from I422,J422 to I420,IYUV,J420,YV12,YUVA
i420_yuy2 Conversions from I420,IYUV,YV12 to YUY2,YUNV,YVYU,UYVY,UYNV,Y422,IUYV,cyuv,Y211
i420_yuy2_mmx MMX conversions from I420,IYUV,YV12 to YUY2,YUNV,YVYU,UYVY,UYNV,Y422,IUYV,cyuv
i420_ymga Conversions from I420,IYUV,YV12 to YMGA
i420_ymga_mmx MMX conversions from I420,IYUV,YV12 to YMGA
i420_rgb I420,IYUV,YV12 to RGB2,RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 conversions
i420_rgb_mmx MMX I420,IYUV,YV12 to RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 conversions
http HTTP remote control interface
hotkeys Hotkeys management interface
headphone_channel_mixer Headphone virtual spatialization effect
headphone_channel_mixer Headphone virtual spatialization effect
h264 H264 video demuxer
grey_yuv Conversions from GREY to I420,YUY2
grain Grain video filter
gradient Gradient video filter
globalhotkeys Global Hotkeys interface
gestures Mouse gestures control interface
gaussianblur Gaussian blur video filter
freetype Freetype2 font renderer
folder Folder meta data
float32_mixer Float32 audio mixer
flac Flac audio decoder
flac Flac audio packetizer
flac Flac audio encoder
flacsys FLAC demuxer
fake Fake video decoder
faad AAC audio decoder (using libfaad2)
extract Extract RGB component video filter
export export
export HTML playlist export
export XSPF playlist export
export Old playlist export
export M3U playlist export
es MPEG-I/II/4 / A52 / DTS / MLP audio
erase Erase video filter
equalizer Equalizer with 10 bands
dvdread DVDRead Input (no menu support)
dvdnav DVDnav Input
dvbsub DVB subtitles decoder
dvbsub DVB subtitles encoder
dummy Dummy interface function
dummy Dummy font renderer function
dummy Dummy video output function
dummy Dummy audio output function
dummy Dummy encoder function
dummy Dump decoder function
dummy Dummy decoder function
dummy Dummy demux function
dummy Dummy access function
dts DTS parser
dts DTS audio packetizer
dtstospdif Audio filter for DTS->S/PDIF encapsulation
dtstofloat32 DTS Coherent Acoustics audio decoder
dtstofloat32 DTS Coherent Acoustics audio decoder
drawable Embedded X window video
drawable Embedded Windows video
dolby_surround_decoder Simple decoder for Dolby Surround encoded streams
dmo DirectMedia Object decoder
dmo DirectMedia Object encoder
dirac Dirac video demuxer
demux_cdg CDG demuxer
demuxdump File dumper
deinterlace Deinterlacing video filter
deinterlace Deinterlacing video filter
cvdsub CVD subtitle decoder
cvdsub Chaoji VCD subtitle packetizer
crop Crop video filter
croppadd Video scaling filter
converter_float Floating-point audio format conversions
converter_float Floating-point audio format conversions
converter_float Floating-point audio format conversions
converter_float Floating-point audio format conversions
converter_float Floating-point audio format conversions
converter_float Floating-point audio format conversions
converter_float Floating-point audio format conversions
converter_float Floating-point audio format conversions
converter_float Floating-point audio format conversions
converter_float Floating-point audio format conversions
converter_fixed Fixed point audio format conversions
converter_fixed Fixed point audio format conversions
converter_fixed Fixed point audio format conversions
converter_fixed Fixed point audio format conversions
colorthres Color threshold filter
cmml CMML annotations decoder
cmml CMML annotations decoder
clone Clone video filter
chain Video filtering using a chain of video filter modules
cdg CDG video decoder
cdda Audio CD input
cc Closed Captions decoder
canvas Automatically resize and pad a video
caca Color ASCII art video output
bluescreen Bluescreen video filter
blend Video pictures blending
blendbench Blending benchmark filter
bandlimited_resampler Audio filter for band-limited interpolation resampling
bandlimited_resampler Audio filter for band-limited interpolation resampling
avi AVI demuxer
avformat FFmpeg demuxer
avformat FFmpeg muxer
avcodec FFmpeg audio/video decoder
avcodec FFmpeg deinterlace video filter
avcodec FFmpeg audio/video encoder
au AU demuxer
audio_format Audio filter for PCM format conversion
audioscrobbler Submission of played songs to last.fm
atmo AtmoLight Filter
asf ASF v1.0 demuxer
araw Raw/Log Audio decoder
araw Raw audio encoder
aout_file File audio output
alphamask Alpha mask video filter
aiff AIFF demuxer
aes3 AES3/SMPTE 302M audio decoder
aes3 AES3/SMPTE 302M audio packetizer
adpcm ADPCM audio decoder
adjust Image properties filter
access_udp UDP input
access_tcp TCP input
access_smb SMB input
access_output_udp UDP stream output
access_output_http HTTP stream output
access_output_file File stream output
access_output_dummy Dummy stream output
access_mms Microsoft Media Server (MMS) input
access_http HTTP input
access_ftp FTP input
access_ftp FTP upload output
access_file File input
access_fake Fake input
access_directory Standard filesystem directory input
access_bd Blu-Ray Disc Input
a52 A/52 parser
a52 A/52 audio packetizer
a52tospdif Audio filter for A/52->S/PDIF encapsulation
a52tofloat32 ATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoder
a52tofloat32 ATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoder
main main program

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Re: VLC compilation including openssl

Postby dodo.r84 » 21 May 2010 09:18

I finally managed.
I wrote a little guide in Italian, if anyone needs it I will write in English.


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Re: VLC compilation including openssl

Postby depe » 17 Aug 2010 22:06

Do you have the italian guide ?
I am doing some research with encryption.

Best regards


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Re: VLC compilation including openssl

Postby ivoire » 18 Aug 2010 08:54

I finally managed.
I wrote a little guide in Italian, if anyone needs it I will write in English.
Poste it (in english) on the wiki please.

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Re: VLC compilation including openssl

Postby VLC_help » 18 Aug 2010 17:35

Or here and I can then post it to wiki.

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