Long time to connect to stream

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Long time to connect to stream

Postby Charle387 » 17 Mar 2010 19:23

I'm debugging a system that has a stream being served by WME from a XP machine in my LAN. The served stream is fine.
On another LAN machine with Vista 64, I have strange results. If I use the Windows Media Player 11, the connection takes a second, buffering starts, and the stream plays fine. If I use VCL Player, the connection to the data stream takes about two minutes :( , then buffering starts and the streamed music plays fine. What is taking so long?
I want to use VLC Player. How can I make the connection faster? Is there a command line switch that I need to set?

When VLC Player is trying to connect, there's nothing obvious that's happening.

All software is at the latest levels. Hardware is fine. Port is open on the router.

... Charlie the frustrated :!:

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Re: Long time to connect to stream

Postby VLC_help » 18 Mar 2010 18:23

What is taking so long?
Bug in VLC.

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