my example of vlc usage:
im transcoding tv channels with lower bit rate to PDA devices or other computers in LAN, using HTTP access module.
what im getting:
i have different sources of stream, tv tuner channels, tv channels taken from internet, and high quality from my ISP. And becuz of so called security issues i cant:
1. make a streaming playlist (i cant even playlist my dshow tuner without streaming)
2. running vvvvvery long command line from bat file, im getting only 36 items in playlist
3. and i cant put more MRLs with sout via HTTP interface(this way i could script more streaming items every time im running streaming server)
VLC is very powerfull application. And what it became with such limitations? just a small player, in wich u can only get everything by manual manipulation with qt interface.
And also i cant use RTSP VoD, becuz of clients devices limitaions.
To Devs: VLC is powerfull but its not any kind of OS or even mail server. if i cant protect my computer when im using VLC, its completely my fault. My proposal to u, cut the crap with this security issues, and let VLC be what it intended to be.