Can EQ-settings be remembered?

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Can EQ-settings be remembered?

Postby sinsemilla » 12 Jan 2010 21:50

Hi, I want to have my VLC settings saved so I won't have to, e.g., set up the equalizer on every program run.
I searched the forum for this question and came up with this post by Executioner, from Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:54 pm:

"Hi everyone,
I'm using the latest release 1.0.3. When I open up a video file to play, I usually also open up the extended settings. In the extended settings, I normally tweak the brightness to allow better viewing. The problem is I have to do this each time I open any video file. I did not see anywhere in the settings where I can save the current settings. The same holds true for audio if I have the equalizer enabled. Is it possible to save these settings for the next time that I run it?"

And Executioners own answer :

"Re: How to save video/audio extended settings
Never mind. I guess I should have searched:
Make any adjustments to the extended settings, then Tools>Preferences and Save. Close VLC.
What a strange way to save the settings. You would think that a tick box would be there on that extended screen to save the settings."


Well, it doesn't work for me. Settings are not saved. Can anybody help?
Thank you!
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Re: Can EQ-settings be remembered?

Postby VLC_help » 13 Jan 2010 12:26

Well, it doesn't work for me. Settings are not saved. Can anybody help?
You can also go to Tools -> Preferences... (Show settings: All) Audio -> Filters -> Equalizer and pass the values there.

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Re: Can EQ-settings be remembered?

Postby sinsemilla » 13 Jan 2010 19:52

Thank you VLC_help (Cone Master) for replying. You say:
You can also go to Tools -> Preferences... (Show settings: All) Audio -> Filters -> Equalizer and pass the values there.
I'm sorry for being so dense, but what is meant by 'pass the values'? I know how to pass gas, for instance, but that is of no help here :?

I wish there was some way of attaching screenshots (at least croppings from a screenshot or several). That would simplify matters tremendously - no wonder almost all other forums offer that option.

Anyhoo - there are two screens that pertain to the equalizer. The first (below the 'Filter' entry in the 'Audio' section in the settings-panel on the right) is called...'Equalizer'.

There doesn't seem to be much for the user to do here. A little ways further down is a 'Parametric Equalizer'. This screen has 13 settings with the default values:
Low frequency (Hz) 100,00
Low frequency gain 0,00
High frequency (Hz) 10000,00
High frequency gain 0,00

...and so forth. Is this 'where the action is'?
Please advice!
Thank you.

P.S. I had originally thought to include this in my previous post: the VLC player sounds very, very good (especially with the EQ set up). The people involved in the coding knew what they were doing, that much is obvious to a musician like myself; I am picky in the extreme when it comes to audio reproduction.
Higly impressive! Kudos all around :D
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Re: Can EQ-settings be remembered?

Postby VLC_help » 14 Jan 2010 18:52

I wish there was some way of attaching screenshots (at least croppings from a screenshot or several). That would simplify matters tremendously - no wonder almost all other forums offer that option.
imageshack, imgur and similar services are for that.
I'm sorry for being so dense, but what is meant by 'pass the values'? I know how to pass gas, for instance, but that is of no help here
You can get the values from EQ window and manually type them there, if the save trick suggested earlier doesn't work. that should help.

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Re: Can EQ-settings be remembered?

Postby sinsemilla » 15 Jan 2010 18:46

Thank you very much.
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Re: Can EQ-settings be remembered?

Postby a.k.a. » 27 Jan 2010 07:34

Hi everyone,

This thread still hasn't resolved my own question.

I'm running VLC portable -- the Windows version without an installer.

Each time I set equalizer values, they're erased on next startup of VLC.

By contrast, the skins preferences save just fine in the Portable version.

I'm surprised this bug has not been fixed.

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Re: Can EQ-settings be remembered?

Postby VLC_help » 27 Jan 2010 17:53

Each time I set equalizer values, they're erased on next startup of VLC.
Even if you set them via Preferences?

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Re: Can EQ-settings be remembered?

Postby a.k.a. » 27 Jan 2010 20:03

Hi VLC_help. Thanks for checking in on this issue.

Correct. With VLC Portable, even if I set the Eq in Preferences (Interface -> Preferences -> All -> Audio -> Filters -> Equalizer -> SAVE), the settings seem not to be applying themselves to the Equalizer -- neither after turning the Eq off and back on, nor after a restart of VLC (as is required for a new skin to be applied).

As a matter of fact, even when you edit the Eq values in Prefs, and press Save, the bars on the GUI do not change at all.

Likewise, when you check/uncheck on/off in the GUI, the values stay flat. Even the presets do not stick between launches.

If someone can work on a fix, that would be great. I actually ditched VLC for a while because I couldn't get this to work in Portable. Gave VLC another try this week because I knew the last time I tried it out, the Portable version was relatively new.

More generally with regard to the Equalizer, It would also be extra helpful to have:

1) Custom preset TOGGLES -- at least TWO custom presets, because speakers and headphones have two entirely different frequency response curves. Currently there is no custom setting in the Equalizer menu.
2) A button on the GUI for those custom preset toggles.

Thanks very much. Let me know if I can send any additional info to you.

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Re: Can EQ-settings be remembered?

Postby a.k.a. » 27 Jan 2010 22:37

Well, I'm a little confused now. Something is being remembered, but am not sure I can establish what exactly.

I'm finding a horrible amount of distortion in my speakers after fiddling with VLC. So either the gain or the EQ or both have been stored, but it's not visible to the user.

I just set the EQ adjustments at 0.00 (i.e., flat), returned the Global Gain to 0.00, saved the settings, then pressed the EQ OFF toggle on the 11-bar EQ GUI, and the gain actually went UP substantially.

I have relaunched VLC a number of times, and the same thing is happening -- gain is going UP when I switch the EQ off.

Further, when I relaunch, the EQ volume slider is reverting to well above 0.00 (where I must have saved it at some point), even when I adjust it down to roughly 0 on the slider, and when the Preferences Global Gain is set at 0. Grr.

Does the EQ volume slider override the volume slider on the main GUI? What's the relation between the EQ volume slider, the main GUI volume slider and the Global Gain in the Preferences interface? I'm starting to think that not only is the EQ not taking, but that VLC isn't correctly managing the three different places it has for adjusting the volume.

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Re: Can EQ-settings be remembered?

Postby VLC_help » 28 Jan 2010 18:18

EQ GUI won't show you all the changes you have made. This is partially fixed in 1.1.0

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