Duration sits at 0:00:00 when playing M2T files

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Duration sits at 0:00:00 when playing M2T files

Postby pjamedia » 26 Nov 2009 20:42

I think the title says it all - is this a bug or something I'm doing? (or maybe not doing!) or is it maybe just not an implemented feature for m2t files (HDV shot video)?

Thanks, Paul A

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Re: Duration sits at 0:00:00 when playing M2T files

Postby VLC_help » 27 Nov 2009 12:03

is it maybe just not an implemented feature for m2t files
that is right. Same for .ts files.

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Re: Duration sits at 0:00:00 when playing M2T files

Postby thannoy » 27 Nov 2009 12:08

Bug or not, I don't know but it is not very surprising.

m2t probably means MPEG2 TS. This file format is designed for "unbound" streams like for DTT, there is no duration field in those files (which are often a dump of those unbound streams).

Blank Cone
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also can't ffwd/rewind

Postby airdrummer » 04 Aug 2011 14:06

this is the case for m2t files w/o the .tsnavi sidecar file that apple's vdvhs firewire app generates after recording...some m2t files are impervious to that, so no time-based jumping, either:-(

however, percentage jumping works:-) so i hacked a web interface mod that adds a seek textinput and some second/% based buttons...unfortunately vlc's seek only takes integer values, so even 1% on long files is more than the optimal 30s jump;-}

code @ http://wibles.webhop.net/toms/DVHS/vlcFixContents

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