whatever the 'bug' is 'windows media player' manages to handle it...
just for fun I experimented with my server (IIS5 runing under w2k advanced server) and instead of a 'virtual directory' which
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resides in I tried just a simple directory
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the user/password I kept as special / ceragem as before and got the same result vis vlc(0.86d and 1.0.2) fails to authenticate the folder but 'dose media player sucseeds without problem.
then I tried real media to the protected directory above and it too failed
If any one wants to enlighten me about what, if anything, I am doing wrong then please do.
If any one wants me to set up anything on my server too that is fine - I would like to get vlc authenticating in protected directories.
I appologise in advance for being 'dosey - Why do I hear shouts of "get yourself a real web server (apache)!"? - oh welll