File format when Recording with VLC

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File format when Recording with VLC

Postby Georgee » 17 Oct 2009 19:40

When I Goggled VLC RECORD it said, the icon would turn BLUE which mine does not and the file is stored in My Documents as: MPEG which mine does not.

1. Is the location of stored RECORD file always in My Document? any way to change is as Vista is always telling us we don't have permission even for our own PCs.

2. Since the instructions say MPEG and mine is in AVI, Can I change it somewhere?


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Re: File format when Recording with VLC

Postby VLC_help » 18 Oct 2009 14:56

1. Is the location of stored RECORD file always in My Document? any way to change is as Vista is always telling us we don't have permission even for our own PCs.
viewtopic.php?f=14&t=66133&p=220310&hil ... th#p220310
2. Since the instructions say MPEG and mine is in AVI, Can I change it somewhere?
Instructions you read are wrong. Record saves the file as VLC receives it, so AVI will be saved as AVI and MPEG saves as MPEG etc.

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