This time, 1.0.2, the ability to move tracks within the playlist has disappeared. It was there in 1.0.1 but is now gone.
Example: You load a folder and the tracks are out of order -- 3,2,1 instead of 1,2,3 -- and you wish to have them play in order. Previously, you could left click and hold on the track you wished to move and you could drop it into the order in which it belonged. Now, there is no action.
Also, the readout of the playback speed does not display the 1.50X speed until you go up to 2.00X and then go back to 1.50X. It displays 1.00X until you perform the action described. The action has to be performed again when tracks change.
I don't really give a darn about the speed display; but the inability to re-sort files in the playlist has to be addressed.