Change the default value from source may I set this option using the ActiveX control, I mean, programatically?
Code: Select all
add_bool( "directx-hw-yuv", true, NULL, HW_YUV_TEXT, HW_YUV_LONGTEXT,
true )
Code: Select all
add_bool( "directx-hw-yuv", 1, NULL, HW_YUV_TEXT, HW_YUV_LONGTEXT,true )
Code: Select all
add_bool( "directx-hw-yuv",0, NULL, HW_YUV_TEXT, HW_YUV_LONGTEXT,true )
Hello! I have another issue^ ^... I have become a member just so that I could bump this thread [if anyone thinks I should start a new thread--I'll do it].Then it is an another issue.
What you experienced is prolly a display adapter driver bug. There are some color controls you can use via Tools -> Effects and Filters then Video effects and BasicMy goal, dear forum, is this: I would like to re-enable that effect and potentially control individual- and range-wide colour (lol-color) definitions.
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