Code: Select all
rect_src.right = rect_src.left + p_vout->fmt_out.i_visible_width;
rect_src.bottom = + p_vout->fmt_out.i_visible_height;
so output wouldn't be visible when it is minimized.i_visible_width = width of visible area
i_visible_height = height of visible area
QT4 options has it. Tools -> Preferences... (Show settings: All) Interface -> Main interfaces -> Qt and tick the Systray options.Also is there a way to hide the minimized window and only have the tray icon?
Doesn't work for me. I'll try the other options.i have found a way for it
1st go to tools menu and select prefrences
2nd under video tab select output to directx video output and you are done
What is the issue?I can not activate the DirectX Mode in vlc for videos
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